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vol.28 issue1Poor People, Indigenous People, Enslaved People and Personae Misera bilis: a Reflection on Their Lawyers in the Consejo de Indias and the Audiencia de México in the Sixteenth CenturyGovernors, Presidio Captains and Jesuit Missionaries at the Gates of the Novo-Hispanic North. The Presence of the Protector of Indians in the Territory of Gran Nayar (18 th Century) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Fronteras de la Historia

Print version ISSN 2027-4688On-line version ISSN 2539-4711


MUNOZ, David Alejandro Sánchez  and  CISNEROS, Gerardo Lara. Between the Service and the Profit Performance and Usual Practice among Capitanes Protectores of the Sierra Gorda, in New Spain, 1590-1680. Front. hist. [online]. 2023, vol.28, n.1, pp.39-61.  Epub Jan 01, 2023. ISSN 2027-4688.

The Hispanic expansion into the northern territories of America caused a long and hostile confrontation with the native societies that lived there. These conflicts, known as the Chichimeca War, ceased mostly in the 1590s. To achieve and maintain the pacification of these areas, the role of the “capitanes protectores” was decisive. They were responsible for the Indians remaining settled, receiving justice and supplies for their maintenance while assimilating civil and Christian forms. This article aims to show the origin of this duty in the north of New Spain in general, and the Sierra Gorda in particular, until 1680, highlighting the continuous adjustments this job went through. This way, it will be clear that a growing gap took place, between the duties of this office and their performances.

Keywords : Sierra Gorda; protector captain; 17th century; chichimecas.

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