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Historia y MEMORIA

versão impressa ISSN 2027-5137


PRADO ARELLANO, Luis Ervin. The avatars of military education in New Granada (1820-1855). Hist.mem. [online]. 2018, n.17, pp.317-343. ISSN 2027-5137.

From the beginning of the formation of the nation state in Colombia, the men associated with the use of arms made efforts to establish a school to contribute to the professionalization of officers for the army. Notwithstanding, over the following decades, although different bills were passed and a Military School was founded (1848-1854), the overall balance of creating a body of qualified officers was not satisfactory. However, the reading of the Military Manuals, combined with military experience, contributed to a quite competent military training, with professional nuances. Thus, the historiographical thesis that points to the absence of a professional armed force in the first half of the 19th century, because of the lack of a technical school, becomes relative, given that it disregards that military training -as it came to pass in other regions- was carried out through informal educational pathways which are more difficult to trace.

Palavras-chave : Profession; military education; official; military school.

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