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Revista de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación

Print version ISSN 2027-8306On-line version ISSN 2389-9417


SANTIAGO-TORNER, Carlos  and  ROJAS-ESPINOSA, Sandra Rismillia. COVID-19 pandemic and labor commitment: relationship within an organization of the colombian electricity sector. Revista Investig. Desarro. Innov. [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.3, pp.437-450.  Epub Feb 09, 2022. ISSN 2027-8306.

The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship and impact of the Covid19 pandemic on the commitment of employees of an organization in the Colombian electricity sector, through a non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational / causal design and with a quantitative approach. The sample corresponded to 113 workers linked to the analyzed organization and the information was collected through a web-type survey. The results establish a significant relationship between changes in working and daily conditions due to the Covid19 Pandemic as an independent variable, and work commitment as a dependent variable, of r = 0.565. Likewise, the self-perception of work commitment and adaptation to the new work context in the people surveyed amounts to more than 92% in a strong or very strong way. In this sense, the studied company should consider strategies to limit the working day, since 61.06% of those surveyed consider that their working time has increased since they are performing it remotely.

Keywords : COVID-19 pandemic; organizational commitment; work at home; job performance.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )