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Revista CES Derecho

versión On-line ISSN 2145-7719


RONCANCIO BEDOYA, Andres Felipe; LOPERA DIAZ, Daniel  y  CARRILLO BENITEZ, Cristian Camilo. Innovation and regulation of video games: technological challenges in Colombia. rev.ces derecho [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.1, pp.17-30.  Epub 16-Mayo-2023. ISSN 2145-7719.

Currently, there is a constant and vertiginous development in the video game industry and the development of new technologies, a situation that has forced different States to present regulations, and develop at the same pace. However, a large number of nations have not taken the pertinent actions in this regard, without foreseeing the social and legal crisis that may occur in the matter in the future.

Understanding in this way, how new technologies, especially artificial intelligence, have allowed industries such as video games to present marketing strategies that are not regulated in the states, and, therefore, this threatens the integrity of the consumers due to the lack of regulations on the matter, not only in Colombia, but also in much of the world.

In such a way, that after understanding this, it is then necessary to identify those socio-legal consequences derived from the lack of regulation by the State. And thus, understand what is ideal for the States, in legal matters, to respond to this possible crisis in the future if new technologies are not regulated.

Palabras clave : micro-transfers; artificial intelligence; video games; new technologies; technological revolution..

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