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Revista CES Derecho

versión On-line ISSN 2145-7719


CARTES, Priscilla Brevis. Human rights and interculturality. The challenges of a diatopic hermeneutic understanding. rev.ces derecho [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.1, pp.31-44.  Epub 16-Mayo-2023. ISSN 2145-7719.

This article addresses from a hermeneutic perspective the challenges of the intercultural understanding-application of human rights, in light of the criticisms about its possible ethnocentrism and the challenges of interculturality that raise current political debates. Within this framework, a diatopic legal interpretation criterion is proposed, projecting the sociological postulates of diatopical hermeneutics, the dialogical tradition of anthropology and the topic legal. From there, a projection of meaning is made, following the hermeneutic circle itself, to propose a criterion that guides the intercultural legal interpretation of human rights.

Palabras clave : human rights; interpretation; philosophical hermeneutics; diatopic hermeneutics; interculturality..

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