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Revista CES Derecho
versión On-line ISSN 2145-7719
MONTENEGRO MARTINEZ, Gino et al. Analysis of Colombian regulations for traffic regulation and road safety, 1990-2017. rev.ces derecho [online]. 2023, vol.14, n.2, pp.160-175. Epub 30-Oct-2023. ISSN 2145-7719.
This article analyzes Colombian regulations related to traffic and road security 1990-2017. For this purpose, documental research was carried out that includes regulation documents between 1990 and 2017. They were organized in a matrix whose content: name, the topic of the document, publication year, and government organism who emitted the regulation. Content Analysis was conducted to identify if the normative is a promotional or corrective policy and their elements in terms of passive or active security. The results obtained show that 65% of the regulations on the review period are corrective and integrated more active security elements. Promotional regulations are less frequently and are oriented to development, administrative and, conduct regulation politics. The formulation pattern of the regulations is oriented to reduce road accidentality as the main objective but have had less attention to understanding road security as a dynamic and complex phenomenon.
Palabras clave : traffic accidents; regulations; public policy; road safety.