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Zona Próxima

On-line version ISSN 2145-9444


DI NAPOLI, Pablo. The violence in high schools from three perspectives of analysis. Towards a literature review. Zona prox. [online]. 2016, n.24, pp.61-84. ISSN 2145-9444.

Abstract This article aims to develop a literature review about studies and papers that focused on the issue of violence in schools, especially from the perceptions of high school students. While we do not intend to make an exhaustive survey; nevertheless in this paper we will explore three of the main perspectives of the field. We expect to perform a critical path on the main lines of research. The first perspective to be developed is the one of criminology studies, in second place the studies focused at the Bullying perspective, and thirdly the studies of social-educational field. We worked with different kinds of research: government´s researchs and multilateral agencies investigations, also several works of universities or specialized centers and graduate theses. We expect to come to conclusions that may help rise a complex interpretive framework to study this phenomenon in question.

Keywords : violence; School; High school students; Literature review.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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