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Suma de Negocios

versión impresa ISSN 2215-910Xversión On-line ISSN 2027-5692


ALVES LIRA, Thais; CARVALHO GOMES, Francisco Patrik; FUZARO, Adriano Marcos  y  COSTA, Flaviano. Information technology and communication skills: Evidence from job adver tisements for accountants in Brazil. suma neg. [online]. 2024, vol.15, n.32, pp.39-49.  Epub 12-Ago-2024. ISSN 2215-910X.


This research aims to analyze the skills in information and communication technologies (ICT) required by the market for accountants in Brazil.


Content analysis was established as a methodological procedure, which involved checking 300 vacancies for accountants promoted by companies from all regions of Brazil.


The results indicate that, in addition to basic technical skills, such as knowledge of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and Microsoft packages, knowledge related to the use of ICT is required to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communication, database analysis, the support of ICT in decision making, risk management and the optimization of organizational systems. The emphasis of the findings on communication highlights the accountant as a link between the accounting team and other areas of the company. The results also show that there are significant differences in ICT technical skills between hierarchical levels.


Promoting the discussion of updating and improving ICT skills in the training of accounting professionals in Brazil is considered the main contribution of the study. Furthermore, there is a need for accounting professionals to invest in the acquisition and development of these technical skills in order to reach strategic and notable hierarchical positions in organizations.

Palabras clave : Information and communication technology; International Education Standard 2 (IES 2); job ads; accounting students; accountant.

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