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Revista Cuidarte

Print version ISSN 2216-0973


COSTA, Raphael Raniere de Oliveira et al. Perception of undergraduate nursing students on realistic simulation. Rev Cuid [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.3, pp.1799-1808. ISSN 2216-0973.


Realistic simulation has been used in health and nursing formation contexts. From this perspective, the study sought to identify the perception of undergraduate nursing students on realistic simulation as a teaching and learning strategy.

Materials and Methods:

This was an action research descriptive study with quantitative-qualitative approach. The research was carried out with 37 undergraduate nursing students from a Brazilian public university, from February to May 2014.


In the scenario studied, simulation is perceived as a technique that allows a previous experience of the practice, allowing students to reflect upon their future work contexts. In addition, it permits relating theory and practice, helping in the learning of contents. Given that it is a dynamic and active strategy, simulation promotes integration and the desire for expansion and other experiences from simulated scenarios in other nursing undergraduate disciplines.


This study enabled, in the end, a reflection on the training practice in health from an autonomous perspective, considering this need within the context of contemporary teaching as a real necessity, reaffirmed by the multiplicity and complexity of the emerging phenomena of this time.


Simulation introduces itself as a viable and potentially significant possibility within the context of undergraduate nursing education.

Keywords : Students, Nursing; Patient Simulation; Simulation.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )