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Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

Print version ISSN 1657-8953On-line version ISSN 2619-189X

Civilizar vol.8 no.15 Bogotá July/Dec. 2008



Yadira Caballero Quintero

This year has been very productive for Civilizar Social and Human Sciences. We continue to work on improving the scientific quality; we're performing an assessment which takes into account certain formal criteria such as the peer-reviewing process, article quality, style, endogamic production, editorial process standardization, and the advances in knowledge management and visibility processes, one of the most important aspects to be in editorial processes. The investment return of a journal is currently measurable based on how well can it be read and distributed. Knowledge transcends the boundaries and reaches many readers in several countries, and only in this way, we are able to ensure that the research has been shared, replicated, and improved.

Civilizar Social and Human Sciences has undertaken the job of expanding the boundaries of distribution and diffusion of Colombian-made knowledge, as well as the exchange of knowledge with international researchers. This issue has the participation of researchers from well-known national institutions such as the Rosario and Santo Tomas Universities. We also have the collaboration of researchers from France, Canada and Argentina.

Another of the goals we achieved is the systematization of editorial management. We're working with the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, which provides dynamic article management and contact with the peer-reviewers; readers will find full-text, open-access articles. We continue to pursue our inclusion in several indexes: currently we are covered by LATINDEX, a catalog of more than 13,600 journals from all fields, and Colciencias' PUBLINDEX. We're also finishing the process of getting covered by Redalyc, the Latin American and the Caribbean Scientific Journal Network, and DOAJ from the Lund University in Sweden, featuring over 3.884 full-text, open-access journals all over the world with high scientific quality. These systems allow for identification of the impact achieved in author, article and journal citations, and that will enable us to measure our scope.

It is satisfactory to feel that we're carrying out the job of becoming a scientific communication instrument that restlessly continues to improve its quality and transparency in the administration of editorial processes. A hard road is ahead, but it has been engaged with tenaciousness and the goal of becoming a scientific quality product from the Sergio Arboleda University to the national and international academic community is well underway.

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