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Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

Print version ISSN 1657-8953

Civilizar vol.15 no.28 Bogotá Jan./June 2015



Yadira Caballero Quintero

The Civilizar social and Human sciences Journal, aware of the need to strengthen collaborative networks that allow to enhance the visibility and quality as well as increasing the value and use of its content, has joined the social web in the context of e-Science or Science 2.0 as a tool for the digital publishing and the research joining the new technological resources, thereby opening that extends the participation and interaction of scientific users, sharing methods, results and analysis, product of its activity, extending the communication of its production with open ressources.

The social web through the information flow defines areas of action and allow individuals to converge with common scientific interests. Its contribution to activity stands in the development of researches, the shared use of resources, results, dissemination and evaluation of content. In this sense, one of the most important components of digital publishing, the scientific evaluation of the articles, is benefited by social networks, introducing new components to submit documents to review, generating contributions concerning originality and relevance.

The dissemination of research results is made through scientific publications, a process that has evolved and invigorating. It was first done by paper, then the digital and now the network that combines the three media. Accordingly, the Virtual Research Environments VREs (Fraser, 2005) have the virtue of being multidisciplinary in both its use and its development. Therefore it apprears very useful for a social sciences journal such as Civilizar to integrate methods and knowledge of different subjects, increasing the use of reflections, methodologies and results, fulfilling the purpose of science that is "to be shared."
