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Opinión Jurídica
versão impressa ISSN 1692-2530versão On-line ISSN 2248-4078
Opin. jurid. v.9 n.18 Medellín jul./dez. 2010
Groups and sectors of society are raising their hopes in accumulation of knowledge which allows making contributions to a conflictive world and giving solution to their problems. Experience shows that generation of this necessary and useful knowledge should emerge from everybody’s points of view and contributions; that is, collective construction of knowledge should be encouraged.
Based on this, tools such as disclose and brainstorm make several production spaces to get a fresh air; already existing knowledge can be challenged, depurated, objected, reconstructed or supported.
18th issue (July-December 2010 semester) of our “Opinión Jurídica” Journal is intended to continue making contributions to this endless juridical discussion and to enrich the discussion on current theory. This issue displays 10 articles from researches or resulting from academic activities of the authors.
For this issue, a total of 24 articles were received, all of which evaluated by peers duly appointed by the Journal Editorial Committee; based on such articles and on the recommendations made by the Editor, the decision to publish those articles better evaluated and complying with demanded academic requirements was made with the purpose of improving quality of our journal in order to reach a better national and international acceptance; up to date, this has allowed having our journal classified as a Category-B Journal by COLCIENCIAS, Latindex, RedAlyc, Sociological Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, PAIS International (Public Affairs Information Service), EBSCO - Fuente Académica Premier y SciElo - Colombia (Scientific Electronic Library Online - Colombia), EBSCO - SocINDEX, EBSCO - Academic Search Complete, Vlex, Lex Base, CLASE, DOAJ, and DIALNET.
For this reason, we hereby present contributions of the following researchers: Mauricio Andrés Gallo Callejas, Clara María Mira González, Milton Andrés Rojas Betancur, Iván Daniel Jaramillo Jassir, Germán Alfonso López Daza, Daniel Eduardo Flórez Muñoz, Edgar Enrique Martínez Cárdenas, Tatiana Oñate Acosta, César Alejandro Osorio Moreno, Alfonso Hernández Tous, and Luis Ociel Castaño Zuluaga, with topics about social rights, public law, intellectual property, and procedural law.