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Diversitas: Perspectivas en Psicología
Print version ISSN 1794-9998
Divers.: Perspect. Psicol. vol.10 no.1 Bogotá Jan./June 2014
Diversitas, 10 years: achievements and challenges
This year, Diversitas becomes 10 years old. Ours is an international journal that carries articles from several different countries and that is experiencing growth. We have 24 papers per year on average, although in the past few years we have increased the number to 28, and that amounts to 227 published articles in total in 18 issues. This year we will publish our 20th issue. In the same timeframe we have been cited 124 times and 85 in the last three years. In 2013 alone we had 33 citations. Our citations have grown yearly between 2005 and 2013, and this information comes only from SciELO, a database linked to other datasets in Thomson Reuters' Web of Science. According to Redalyc we have published collaboration articles from countries such as Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Costa Rica, and the United States, amongst others.
In Colombia, we have published papers from universities such as Javeriana, Catolica, San Buenaventura, National University, Rosario, Andes and Sabana. We have also published contributions coming from the Mexican Autonomous University (UNAM), Guadalajara, and Iberoamericana from Mexico. From Spain we have received and published papers from Madrid's Complutense University, University of Vigo, University of Seville, University of Santiago de Compostela, and also other universities from Brazil.
Downloads of our articles come from different countries as well. 53% from the United States, 25% from Canada, 15% from Mexico, and then Spain, Colombia, Chile, Peru and over 25 countries. These statistics are kept regularly by Redalyc.
Therefore, our journal as a communication medium is becoming more international, although it keeps collecting local production. In the past few years we have attended national and international events of journal editors, with the goal of adopting better practices and of giving our journal more visibility in the regional and international context.
In the near future we hope that our new website can improve our web visibility and enable us to seek coverage by Scopus and WoS. Our data show that we are in the correct path. To the authors, reviewers and readers (lecturers, students and staff) that have accompanied us in these 10 years, we want to express our gratitude. Thanks for your support, your confidende and your loyalty with us.
María Constanza Aguilar Bustamante