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| · Development of a virtual earthquake engineering lab and its impact on education Guerrero-Mosquera, Luis Felipe; Gómez, Daniel; Thomson, Peter
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| · Evaluation of different methods for efficient extraction of hemicelluloses leaves and tops of sugarcane Flórez-Pardo, Luz Marina; González-Córdoba, Andrea; López-Galán, Jorge Enrique
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| · A new approach to multispectral image classification based on abstract complex cells Valero-Medina, José Antonio; Dallos-Bustos, Cristian David; Lizarazo, Ivan
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| · Performance of drip emitters for different pressures and application of cashew nuts wastewater Batista, Rafael Oliveira; Silva, Ketson Bruno da; Silva Júnior, Manoel Januário da; Santos, Delfran Batista dos; Cunha, Rutilene Rodrigues da
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| · Analysis of pressure and pressure derivative interference tests under linear and spherical flow conditions Escobar-Macualo, Freddy Humberto; Rojas-Borrego, Esteban; Alarcón-Olaya, Neila Tatiana
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| · Comparative study of fire resistance and acoustic performance of ceramic brick walls in concern to NBR 15575 in residential buildings in Brazil Filho, Sérgio Klippel; Prager, Gustavo Luis; Silva, Paulo Eduardo Mezzomo da; Bolina, Fabrício Longhi; Fonseca-Tutikian, Bernardo
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| · Multi-passes turning optimization for sustainable productions by using genetic algorithm and particle swarm heuristics Fé-Perdomo, Iván La; Quiza, Ramón; Rivas-Santana, Marcelino
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| · Sway reduction in tower-cranes through discrete-time resonant active disturbance rejection control Coral-Enriquez, Horacio; Pulido-Guerrero, Santiago
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| · Study of the plasma behavior produced by a vacuum arc discharge for different cathode materials Ramírez-Ramírez, Sebastián; Sabogal-Suárez, Daniel Alejandro; Devia-Narváez, Diego Fernando; Restrepo-Parra, Elisabeth
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| · Evaluation of post-graduate programs using a network data envelopment analysis model Meza, Lidia Angulo; Mello, João Carlos Correia Baptista Soares de; Gomes Júnior, Silvio Figueiredo; Moreno, Plácido
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| · Position analysis of a mechanism Stephenson type I using natural coordinates Romero-Núñez, Neider Nadid; Flórez-Serrano, Elkin Gregorio
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| · Calculation method for the determination of stresses in right-wing flywheels Mendoza-Fernández, Abdel; Goytisolo-Espinosa, Rafael; Cabello-Eras, Juan José; Jiménez-Borges, Reinier
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| · DNA fragment assembling using a novel GPU firefly algorithm Vidal, Pablo Javier; Olivera, Ana Carolina
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| · Evaluation of spectral similarity indices in unsupervised change detection approaches Ramos, Jeisson Fabián; Renza, Diego; Ballesteros L., Dora M.
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| · Glulam beams reinforced with punched metal plates Cañola, Hernán Darío; Echavarría, César; Echavarría, Beatriz
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| · Efficiency of cement-admixture systems in mortars with binary and ternary Portland cements Sosa, María Eva; Zaccardi, Yury Andrés Villagrán; Peralta, Juan Pablo; Zega, Claudio Javier
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| · Thermal analysis and mass spectrometry in protonic conductors (PVDF/H 3 PO 2 ) for implementation in fuel cells Diaz-Ortiz, Jolman Stiven; Delgado-Rosero, Miguel Iban; Jurado-Meneses, Nori Magali; Aparicio-Rojas, Gladis Miriam
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| · LTA and FAU zeolites from coal combustion and residue by-products for Chromium removal application Arroyave-Manco, Juan Camilo; Arboleda, Johana Catalina; Hoyos-Ayala, Dora Ángela; Echavarría-Isaza, Adriana Patricia
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| · Fast estimation of earthquake epicenter distance using a single seismological station with machine learning techniques Ochoa, Luis H.; Niño, Luis F.; Vargas, Carlos A.
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| · CFD simulation of sugarcane bagasse combustion in an industrial grate boiler Diaz-Mateus, Fabian Andrey; Alvarez-Castro, Helver Crispiniano; Chaves-Guerrero, Arlex
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| · Dynamic consumption representation of electric vehicles based on battery capacity Quintero-Montenegro, Adriana Marcela; Mendoza-Grosso, Cristian Camilo; Santamaría, Francisco; Alarcón-Villamil, Jorge Alexander
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| · Development of a fortified drink from the mixture of small colombian native fruits Serpa-Guerra, Angélica María; Velásquez-Cock, Jorge Andrés; Barajas-Gamboa, Jaime Alejandro; Vélez-Acosta, Lina María; Gómez-Hoyos, Beatriz; Zuluaga-Gallego, Robin
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| · Construction of index with artificial intelligence to evaluate vulnerability to climate change in Andean tropical micro-watersheds. Study case in Colombia Vargas-Franco, Viviana; Restrepo-Tarquino, Inés
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| · Water quality modeling of the Aguas Claras stream, canton Quevedo, Ecuador Pazmiño-Rodríguez, Julio César; Zambrano-Ganchozo, Gabriela Lisseth; Coello-Burgos, Hevert Aarón
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| · Adoption’s problems of information technology service management models. A systematic literature review Melendez-Llave, Karin Ana; Dávila-Ramón, Abraham Eliseo
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| · Enzymatic modification of cassava starch (Corpoica M-Tai) around the pasting temperature Salcedo-Mendoza, Jairo; Paternina-Urzola, Sergio; Lujan-Rhenals, Deivis; Figueroa-Flórez, Jorge
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| · Study of different routes of renewable synthesis for Caprolactam production Trujillo-Vera, Diego Alejandro; Vélez-Salazar, Yesid
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| · Sensitivity analysis of engine warm-up performance at idle conditions to the changes in compression ratio, ethanol content in gasoline fuel and cylinder head material Romero-Piedrahita, Carlos Alberto; Mejía-Calderón, Luz Adriana; Carranza-Sánchez, Yamid Alberto
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| · Evaluation of coupled porewater pressure and stress-strain constitutive model in granular soils Moreno-Torres, Oscar; Chang-Nieto, Gustavo; Salas-Montoya, Andrés
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| · A GIS approach based on user location to evaluate a bike-sharing program Zuluaga, Juan David; Escobar, Diego Alexander; Younes, Camilo
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| · Swash excursion patterns at two contrasting beaches: Hollywood and Costa Verde beach, Colombia Montaño-Muñoz, Jennifer; Osorio, Andrés F.; Otero, Luis
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| · Viability of probiotic bacteria Bacillus polymyxa , Bacillus megaterium and Lactobacillus delbruekii subsp. bulgaricus microencapsulated under the spray-drying technique Araújo-Uribe, Natalia De; Ruiz-Villadiego, Orlando S.; Montoya-Campuzano, Olga Inés; Gutiérrez-Ramírez, Luz Adriana
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| · Production of bioabsorbible nanoparticles of polycaprolactone by using a tubular recirculating system Colmenares-Roldán, Gabriel; Agudelo-Gómez, Liliana; Pinal, Rodolfo; Palacio, Lina Hoyos-
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| · Hydrothermal synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanorods using a fruit extract template Buitrago-Vásquez, Maritza; Ossa-Orozco, Claudia Patricia
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| · Evaluation of management models of rural projects of drinking water and basic sanitation implemented in the llanos de Colombia Rivera-Contreras, Álvaro Luis
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| · Direct stockpile scheduling: Mathematical formulation Souza, Felipe; Chaves, Leonardo Soares; Burgarelli, Hudson; Nader, Alizeibek; Arroyo, Carlos; Alberto, Luiz
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| · Effect of the addition of hydrocolloids and aloe vera gel ( Aloe barbadensis Miller) on the rheological properties of a beverage of sweet corn ( Zea mays var. saccharata) Contreras-Lozano, Karen Poala; Ciro-Velásquez, Héctor José; Márquez-Cardozo, Carlos Julio
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| · M2M system for efficient water consumption in sanitary services, based on intelligent environment González-Amarillo, Carlos; Cárdenas-García, Cristian; Mendoza-Moreno, Miguel
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| · Connectivity to the Internet in rural areas using DTT (DVB-RCT2) technologies, or mobile telephony (4G-LTE) Radicelli-García, Ciro Diego; Pomboza-Floril, Margarita; Cepeda-Astudillo, Lexinton
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| · Mobile learning on higher educational institutions: how to encourage it?. Simulation approach Díez-Echavarría, Luisa; Valencia, Alejandro; Cadavid, Lorena
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| · Maps of Intrinsic Cost (IC) in reliability problems of medium voltage power distribution systems through a Fuzzy multi-objective model Camargo, Federico G.; Schweickardt, Gustavo A.; Casanova, Carlos A.
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| · Conservation of "Paluma" guavas coated with cassava starch and pectin Quirino, Anny Karoline Rocha; Costa, Josenara Daiane de Souza; Figueiredo Neto, Acácio; Costa, Marylia de Sousa; Sánchez-Sáenz, Carolina María
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| · Methodology to support decision-making in prioritization improvement plans aimed at agricultural sector: Case study Tovar-Perilla, Nelson Javier; Bermeo-Andrade, Helga Patricia; Torres-Delgado, José Fidel; Gómez, Miguel Ignacio
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| · Modeling leakage current of ceramic insulators subject to high pollution levels for improving maintenance activities Castillo-Sierra, Rafael; Oviedo-Trespalacios, Oscar; Candelo, John E.; Soto-Ortiz, Jose Daniel
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