| Sumário Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas vol.87 no.215 Medellín out./dez. 2020 Artigos | | | | · Analysis of the hospital supply chain in a Cuban territory Acevedo-Urquiaga, Ana Julia; Sablón-Cossío, Neyfe; Acevedo-Suárez, José Antonio; González-Rodríguez, Yanara; Martín-Marrero, Anamaris
| | | | · Nickel laterite concentration through a non-conventional method with surface sulfidization Bustamante-Rúa, Moisés Oswaldo; Gonzalez-Arias, Sindy Dayanis; Bustamante-Baena, Pablo
| | | | · Stress-strength Weibull analysis with different shape parameter β and probabilistic safety factor Baro-Tijerina, Manuel; Piña-Monárrez, Manuel Román; Villa-Covarrubias, Baldomero
| | | | · A quantitative assessment of the environmental sustainability of UCG and CO2 storage Navarro-Torres, Vidal Félix
| | | | · Mining stochastic cellular automata to solve density classification task in two dimensions Diaz, Nestor; Tischer, Irene
| | | | · A solution to the university course timetabling problem using a hybrid method based on genetic algorithms Arias-Osorio, Javier; Mora-Esquivel, Andrés
| | | | · Chemical characteristics and identification of PM10 sources in two districts of Lima, Peru Ilizarbe-Gonzáles, Gina Mishel; Rojas-Quincho, Jhojan Pool; Cabello-Torres, Rita Jaqueline; Ugarte-Alvan, Carlos Alfredo; Reynoso-Quispe, Patricia; Valdiviezo-Gonzales, Lorgio Gilberto
| | | | · Exergetic analysis of a dual-fuel engine, PEM electrolyzer and thermoelectric generator integrated system Armas-Calderón, Nelly De; Lizarazo-Bohórquez, Cristina; Duarte-Forero, Jorge
| | | | · Determination of residual stresses in thermal barrier coating due to the amount of CMAS infiltration Yáñez-Contreras, Pedro; León-Rodríguez, Miguel; Medina-Flores, José Martín; Jiménez-García, José Alfredo; Santander-Bastida, Francisco Javier; Yáñez-Rodríguez, José
| | | | · Structural and magnetic properties of the Bi1-xLuxFeO3 (x = 0.00, 0.02 and 0.04) system Morales-Rivera, Angela Maria; Betancourt-Montañez, Iván Fernando; Martínez-Ovalle, Segundo Augustín; Pardo-Cuervo, Óscar Hernando; Mejía-Gómez, Julieth Alexandra; Segura-Peña, Sully; Ortíz-Otálora, César Armando; Parra-Vargas, Carlos Arturo
| | | | · Towards to author’s analytics: the case of DYNA journal Velásquez-Henao, Juan David; Arango-Londoño, Adriana; Contreras-Hernandez, Alex Santiago
| | | | · Streaming or misbehavior, investigation on movie streaming or movie piracy Derakhti, Arman; Ramírez-Rivas, Catalina; Ramírez-Correa, Patricio E.
| | | | · Spatial-temporal dynamics of Caatinga vegetation cover by remote sensing in the Brazilian semiarid region Rodrigues, Joez André de Moraes; Lopes, Pabricio Marcos Oliveira; Silva, Jhon Lennon Bezerra da; Araújo, Hélio Lopes; Silva, Marcos Vinícius da; Santos, Anderson dos; Batista, Pedro Henrique Dias; Moura, Geber Barbosa de Albuquerque
| | | | · Determination of antioxidant capacity in blackberry (Rubus glaucus) jam processed by hydrotermodynamic cavitation compared with traditional technology Rodríguez-Bernal,, Jenny Marcela; Herrera-Ardila, Yenny Mayerly; Olivares-Tenorio, Mary Luz; Leyva-Reyes, Manuel Felipe; Klotz-Ceberio, Bernadette Francisca
| | | | · Construction of metal transfer modes maps for an ER4130 filler metal in GMAW process García-Viana, Juan Camilo; Morales, John Edison; Valencia, Emanuel; Giraldo-Barrada, Jorge Enrique
| | | | · Land cover classification at three different levels of detail from optical and radar Sentinel SAR data: a case study in Cundinamarca (Colombia) Mancera-Flórez, Juan Ricardo; Lizarazo, Ivan
| | | | · Estimation of anthropometric hand measurements using the ratio scaling method for the design of sewn gloves Rincón-Becerra, Ovidio; García-Acosta, Gabriel
| | | | · Electric power generation from a turnstile Paz-Penagos, Hernán
| | | | · Determination of parameters and performance analysis of load models for fluorescent recessed lightings before power supply signal variations Martínez-Peñaloza, Alejandra; Carrillo-Sandoval, Luisa; Malagón-Carvajal, Gabriel; Duarte-Gualdrón, César; Osma-Pinto, German
| | | | · Identification of 90Sr and 204Tl beta radiation sources by energy distribution with a 3GEM detector Fuentes, Freddy; Gutiérrez, Rafael M.
| | | | · Treatment for gold ores with high content of carbonaceous matter Valdivieso-Bermeo, Paulo; Peñaloza, Isabel; Moreno-Chávez, José
| | | | · Toxicity test for Fuller’s earth contaminated with dielectric oil using eisenia foetida earthworms and soils with different carbon contents Beltran-Perez,, Oscar Dario; Berrio-Giraldo,, Linda-Ivette; Agudelo, Edison-Alexander; Cardona-Gallo, Santiago-Alonso
| | | | · Limitations on production methods for PHAs obtention: a systematic review Jaramillo-Sánchez, Rubén; Alcaraz-Zapata, Wilman
| | | | · CFSR- NCEP Performance for weather data forecasting in the Pernambuco Semiarid, Brazil Alfaro, Marcela Daniela Mollericona; Lopes, Iug; Montenegro, Abelardo Antônio Assunção; Leal, Brauliro Gonçalves
| | | | · Influence of dynamic geometric parameters on multi-axis machining processes Cifuentes, Andrés F.; Córdoba-Nieto, Ernesto
| | | | · Methodological proposal for the study of floods in plains areas with a lack of information Borzi, Guido; Cellone, Francisco; Tanjal, Carolina; Melendi, Edoardo; Carol, Eleonora
| | | | · Valuation of the Media Luna sector, Aipe, Huila as a geosite of geological heritage Muñoz-Quijano, Ingrid Natalia; Molina-Otero, María Fernanda; Manrique-Mendoza, Yoan David
| | | | · Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles obtention, functionalization and biomedical applications: a review Hincapié-Rojas, Daniel Fernando; Rojas-Hernández, Sandy Paola; Castaño-González, Felipe; Parra-Castaño, Kelly Natalia; Giraldo-Torres, Laura Rocío
| | | | · Generation of climatic series for thermo-pluviometric characterization of the Brazilian semiarid (1981-2015) García-Garizábal, Iker; Abrahão, Raphael; Medeiros, Susane Eterna Leite
| | | | · Evaluation of the incidence of foliar application of gibberellic acid in flowering trees of Coffea arabica L. and its impact on climate change Zapata-Restrepo, Leidy Natalia; Guevara-Ortega, Luz Maribel
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