| Table of contents Rev. colomb. cienc. quim. farm. vol.47 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Apr. 2018 Clinical Research Articles | | | | · Polypharmacy in minor species of veterinary clinics in the province of Heredia in Costa Rica Alfaro-Mora, Ramsés; Loria-Granados, Mariana; Camacho-Bogantes, Dylan
| | | Articles of Technological Research | | | | · Determination of heavy metals in metal fumes present in informal work environments dedicated to welding Puello Silva, Jorge; León Méndez, Glicerio; Gómez Marrugo, Diana; Muñoz Monroy, Heidi; Blanco Herrera, Loraine
| | | Scientific Research Articles | | | | · Antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extract of the petiole from Rheum rhabarbarum Pájaro, Nerlis Paola; Granados Conde, Clemente; Torrenegra Alarcón, Miladys Esther
| | | | · Chemical characterization and cytotoxicity of clove essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum) Barros Gomes, Paulo Roberto; Mouchrek Filho, Victor Elias; Ferreira Rabêlo, Waléria; Albuquerque do Nascimento, Alexandre; Costa Louzeiro, Hilton; da Silva Lyra, Wellington; Fontenele, Maria Alves
| | | Clinical Research Articles | | | | · Qualification and experience from drugstore sellers for the dispensing of amoxicillin in a commune of Santiago de Cali, Colombia Castro Espinosa, Jobany; Molineros, Luis Fernando
| | | Scientific Research Articles | | | | · Lidocaine CoO(OH)-assisted electrochemical determination. A theoretical possibility to be evaluated Tkach, Volodymyr V.; Ivanushko, Yana G.; Lukanova, Svitlana M.; Kushnir, Marta V.; de Oliveira, Sílvio C.; Alves, Ana P.; Ojani, Reza; Yagodynets', Petró I.
| | | Clinical Research Articles | | | | · Analgesic's prescription and drug adverse events in hospitalized patients Vallejos Narváez, Álvaro; Calvache, Juan Camilo; Ávila, María Paula; Latorre, Sergio Iván; Ruano, Camilo Andrés; Delgadillo, Jennifer; Hernández, Helman Esteban; Manosalva, Gina Paola; Malaver, Sindy Carolina; Torres, Paula Alejandra; Bernal, Guillermo Eduardo; Tovar, Andrea; Caicedo, Laura Marcela
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