| Table of contents Rev Colomb Obstet Ginecol vol.56 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Mar. 2005 Editorial | | | | · Current situation of the Colombian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology León, José William
| | | Original researches | | | | · Pelvic congestion syndrome: the usefulness of laparoscopic treatment Navarro, Hernando; Escobar, María Fernanda; Fonseca, Javier
| | | | · Screening of adverse events (AE) in obstetric attention and puerperium at the Instituto Materno Infantil, Bogotá, Colombia, 2002-2003 Gaitán D., Hernando; Eslava S., Javier; Garzón O., Carmen Doris; Rubio R., Jorge Andrés; Forero G., Jaime; Valbuena, Luis Guillermo; Vargas, Aída del Pilar; Sotelo R., Darío; Páez, Alberto
| | | | · Microsurgical reversal of fallopian tube ligation: fertility outcome in 115 cases Pérez, Luis Ernesto; Saavedra, Diego; Pinzón, Juan Alberto; Laigneleth, Martha
| | | Reflection Article | | | | · Some anthropological and religious considerations concerning menstruation Alarcón-Nivia, Miguel Ángel
| | | Review articles | | | | · Current view of the hormone replacement therapy in the postmenopausal woman Zuleta, John Jairo
| | | | · Screening for cancer of the cervix uteri: how, from which age onwards and up to which age Amaya, Jairo; Restrepo, Sonia
| | | | · Managing HIV during pregnancy and in exposed newborn children Fonseca, Carlos Eduardo; Prieto, Franklyn Edwin
| | | Case report | | | | · Palpable breast nodule Gallego, Gildardo
| | | | · Pseudo-aneurism of the left external iliac artery: an incidental intra-operation finding in a case of hysterectomy by leiomiomas Gómez, Carlos Alberto
| | | Editor's letters | | | | | | |