Publicando |
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| · La Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría, los Principios Éticos y el Código Deontológico Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos
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Artigo Especial |
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| · Histories of unimputable filicidal women due to mental illness de la Espriella, Ricardo
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| · Sexual and Contraceptive Behavior in Medical Students Campo-Cabal, Gerardo; Becerra, Lina V; Cedeño, María C; Uribe, Giselle A; Villa, Lina M.; Vargas, Ana M.; Echandía, Carlos
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| · Stress and Misconduct in Students of a Medical School in Bogotá Vengoechea, Jaime; Ruiz, Álvaro; Moreno, Socorro
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| · Eating Disorders in Males: Four Clinical Subtypes Gempeler Rueda, Juanita
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Artigo Revisao |
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| · Psychosomatic Medicine in Cardiovascular Illness II Alarcón, Rafael; Ramírez Vallejo, Eduardo
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| · Pathological Gambling: Topic Review Bahamón V, Mauricio
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Epistemologia, filosofia da mente e bioética |
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| · The Quantum Thought. A Theoretical Proposal Sánchez Medina, Guillermo; Márquez Díaz, Jairo Eduardo
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Metodologia de investigão e leitura crítica |
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| · Research Protocol. A Qualitative Study Investigating Depressive Prodrome in Adolescents Syed, Rebecca J; Yung, Alison R
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| · A Guide to Planning Qualitative Research J. Syed, Rebecca
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Reporte do Caso |
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| · Zolpidem: A Controlled Medication? Rincón Salazar, David Andrés; Robert Medina, Raje Gerardo
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