| Sumário rev.colomb.psiquiatr. v.38 n.1 Bogotá jan./mar. 2009 Publicando | | | | · Obituario Humberto Rosselli, paradigma del psiquiatra colombiano González Velásquez, Mario
| | | | · Towards Local Empowerment in Improving Relevance of Mental Health Research in Low and Middle Income Countries Rebecca, J
| | | | · A New Paradigm on Drugs and Democracy: the debate is open Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos
| | | Artigo Especial | | | | · Abduction, Family and Pathology Garciandía Imaz, José Antonio
| | | | · Prevalence and Characteristics of Burnout Syndrome among Teachers of Three Public Schools in Bogotá (Colombia) Padilla M, Andrea C; Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos; Rodríguez, Viviana; Dávila, Marcela; Avella-García, Claudia B; Caballero, Andrea; Vives, Nidia; Mora, Luz Stella; Márquez, Gloria; Prieto, Yolanda; Sandoval, Nadia; Cotes, Zuleiman; Hernández, Sonia
| | | | · Validation of the Reasons for Living Inventory (Rfl) in subjects with suicidal behavior in Colombia García Valencia, Jenny; Palacio Acosta, Carlos Alberto; Vargas, Gabriel; Arias, Samuel; Ocampo, María Victoria; Aguirre, Beatriz; Casals, Sergi; Calle, Jorge; Restrepo, Diana; López Jaramillo, Carlos Alberto; Holguín Lew, Jorge Carlos; López Tobón, María Cecilia; Montoya Guerra, Patricia; Arango Viana, Juan Carlos; García, Héctor
| | | | · Sexuality and Menopause: A Study in Bogotá (Colombia) Serpa Fonnegra, María de la Paz; Ramírez Bojacá, Édgar Eduardo
| | | | · Humor as a Strategy to Treat Children Hospitalized in Pediatric Units in Pereira (Colombia): Report of an Experience Sánchez Naranjo, Julio César; Gutiérrez Segura, Julio César; Santacruz Ibarra, Jorge Javier; Romero Leguizamón, César Ramón; Ospina Ríos, Jenny Paola
| | | | · Family Support as a Pillar of Reformed Psychiatric Care: Considerations from a Psychosocial Perspective Gómez, Sara Ardila
| | | Artigo Revisao | | | | · Molecular Mechanism of Addiction to Marihuana Escobar Toledo, Isabel Eugenia; Berrouet Mejía, Marie Claire; González Ramírez, Diego Mauricio
| | | | · Clinical Management of Dually Diagnosed Patients: Treatment for Drug Abusing and Dependent Patients with Major Psychiatric Comorbidities Gálvez Flórez, Juan Francisco; Rincón Salazar, David Andrés
| | | Epistemologia, filosofia da mente e bioética | | | | · Confidentiality: Norms and General Considerations about its Application in Colombia Ramírez Ortegón, Luis Alberto
| | | Metodologia de investigão e leitura crítica | | | | · The Delphi Technique: “When Two Heads Think Better than One” in the Development of Guidelines for Clinical Practice Carreño Jaimes, Marisol
| | | Reporte do Caso | | | | · Cotard’s Syndrome: Case Report Castrillón Muñoz, Eduardo; Gutiérrez Alzate, Boris
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