| Sumário rev.colomb.psiquiatr. v.40 supl.1 Bogotá out. 2011 Nuestra portada | | | | · Alejandro Torres Franco
| | | Publicando | | | | · Una visión integral de los trastornos bipolares: condición necesaria para la clínica y la investigación López-Jaramillo, Carlos
| | | Artigo Especial | | | | · Subsyndromal Depressive Symptoms in Bipolar II Disorder: a Community Mental Health Services Cohort Study (SIN-DEPRES) de Arce, Rosario; Jiménez-Arriero, Miguel Ángel; Rodríguez-Calvin, José Luís; Ruiz-Aguado, José María; Zaragoza-Domingo, Silvia; Cobaleda, Silvia; Vieta, Eduard
| | | | · Comparative Analysis for Direct Costs and Global Functions in Persons Affected By Bipolar Disorders I and II in Outpatient Treatment Igoa, Ana; Martino, Diego; Khan, Clara; Scchiavo, Patricia; Marengo, eliana; Strejilevich, Sergio
| | | | · ¿Cuál es la contribución de la disfunción ejecutiva al perfil cognitivo del trastorno bipolar? Un estudio comparativo bien controlado Lopera-Vasquez, Juan; Bell, Vaughan; López-Jaramillo, Carlos
| | | | · Effects of Medication on fMRI Brain Activation Patterns in Bipolar Disorder Type I Patients Challenged with Working Memory Tasks López-Jaramillo, Carlos; Gil Restrepo, Catalina; Correa-Palacio, Andrés; Delgado, Jorge; Lopera-Vásquez, Juan; Rascovsky, Simón; Castrillón, Gabriel; Loaiza, Sergio; Palacio, Carlos Alberto
| | | | · Offspring of Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I from the Paisa' Population: Psychopathological and Neuropsychological Profile Palacio, Juan David; Zapata-Barco, Ana María; Aguirre-Acevedo, Daniel Camilo; Estrada-Jaramillo, Santiago; Tamayo, Ana Lucía; Lopera-Vásquez, Juan Pablo; López, María Cecilia; López-Jaramillo, Carlos
| | | | · Bipolar Disorder and Suicidality in Colombian Patients. Rueda-Jaimes, Germán Eduardo; Rangel-Martínez-Villalba, Andrés Mauricio; Camacho, Paul Anthony
| | | | · Family Burden in Families from the Psychoeducation Group of the Department of Psychiatry of the Universidad de Antioquia who have a family member diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Gómez González, Elizabeth; Londoño, Catalina; Builes Correa, María Victoria; Bedoya Hernández, Mauricio; García Valencia, Jenny; López-Jaramillo, Carlos
| | | Artigo Revisao | | | | · History of Affective Disorders Luque, Rogelio; Berrios, Germán E
| | | | · Psycho-education, the Lithium of Psycho-therapies. Some Considerations Regarding its efficiency and Implementation in Daily Practice Colom, Francesc
| | | | · Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder: Lessons from Brain Imaging and Molecular Markers Minuzzi, Luciano; Behr, MSc, Guilherme Antônio; Fonseca Moreira, José Cláudio; Frey, Benicio N.
| | | | · Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in euthymic Adult Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I: Neuropsychological and Neurofunctional Aspects Vargas Upegui, Cristian; Correa-Palacio, Andrés; García, Jenny; López-Jaramillo, Carlos
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