| Sumário rev.colomb.psiquiatr. vol.49 no.2 Bogotá abr./jun. 2020 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Arrieta Molinares, Astrid; Santacruz, Jose Manuel; Cepeda Torres, Jose Francisco
| | | Artigo original | | | | · The role of stressful life events appraisal in major depressive disorder Gómez Maquet, Yvonne; Ángel, José David; Cañizares, Catalina; Lattig, María Claudia; Agudelo, Diana María; Arenas, Álvaro; Ferro, Eugenio
| | | | · Depression and Abuse During Medical Internships in Peruvian Hospitals Vilchez-Cornejo, Jennifer; Viera-Morón, Ronald David; Larico-Calla, Gabriel; Alvarez-Cutipa, Daniela Carla; Sánchez-Vicente, Juan C.; Taminche-Canayo, Ruth; Carrasco-Farfan, Carlos Andres; Palacios-Zegarra, Alexis Armando; Mendoza-Flores, Cynthia; Quispe-López, Pedro; Toro-Huamanchumo, Carlos J.
| | | | · High Doses of Drugs Extensively Metabolized by CYP3A4 Were Needed to Reach Therapeutic Concentrations in Two Patients Taking Inducers Chopra, Nitin; Ruan, Can-Jun; McCollum, Betsy; Ognibene, Judy; Shelton, Charles; de Leon, Jose
| | | | · High Prevalence of Two or More Suicide Attempts Associated with Suicidal Ideation and Mental Disease in Colombia 2016 paricio Castillo, Yeison; Blandón Rodríguez, Ana María; Chaves Torres, Ninfa-Marlen
| | | | · Implementation of clinical practice guidelines for the timely detection and diagnosis of eating disorders in adolescents and adults in the outpatient and priority department of a public psychiatric hospital in Colombia Pertuz-Cortes, Carolina; Navarro-Jiménez, Eduardo; Laborde-Cárdenas, Carmen; Gómez-Méndez, Pedro; Lasprilla-Fawcett, Silvana
| | | | · Depression and sleep disorders related to hypertension: A cross-sectional study in Medellín, Colombia Flórez-García, Víctor; Rojas-Bernal, Luz Ángela; Bareño-Silva, José
| | | Reporte do caso | | | | · Othello Syndrome Secondary to Cerebral Tuberculoma: A Case Report Strobbe-Barbat, Mariella; Macedo-Orrego, Luis Enrique; Cruzado, Lizardo
| | | Epistemologia, filosofia da mente e bioética | | | | · Arthur Schopenhauer and psychiatry 200 years after the publication of The World as Will and Representation (Idea) Baptista, Trino
| | | Metodologia de investigão e leitura crítica | | | | · Grounded theory Espriella, Ricardo de la; Restrepo, Carlos Gómez
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