| Sumário rev.colomb.psiquiatr. vol.52 no.1 Bogotá jan./mar. 2023 Editorial | | | | · A journal for the regional challenges of psychiatry but with a global voice Santamaría-García, Hernando
| | | | · The Right to Die with Dignity Through Euthanasia, Six Years on Cossio-Uribe, Clara; Moreno-Molina, Julieta
| | | Cartas ao Editor | | | | · Network Relationships of the Stigma-Discrimination Complex and Fear of COVID-19 During the Second Pandemic Wave in Peruvian Adults Ramos-Vera, Cristian
| | | | · Public Data in Epidemiological Surveillance Systems Herazo, Edwin; Angulo-Luna, Alex Antonio; Campo-Arias, Adalberto
| | | Artigo original | | | | · Antisocial Traits and Neuroticism as Predictors of Suicidal Behaviour in Borderline Personality Disorder: a Retrospective Study Alberdi-Páramo, Iñigo; Díaz-Marsá, Marina; Saiz González, María Dolores; Carrasco Perera, José Luis
| | | | · Educational Environment and Mental Wellbeing of Medical and Surgical Postgraduate Residents in Medellin, Colombia Posada Uribe, María Adelaida; Vargas Gonzalez, Verónica; Orrego Morales, Clara; Cataño, Carolina; Vásquez, Elsa María; Restrepo, Diana
| | | | · Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-Personality Disorders: adaptation to Brazil and test of a bifactor model de Francisco Carvalho, Lucas; Hauck Filho, Nelson; Pereira Gonçalves, André; Pianowski, Giselle; Rocha, Lia
| | | | · Scale of Concern about COVID-19 Infection in Peruvian Health Care Workers Esteban-Carranza, Renzo Felipe; Mamani-Benito, Oscar Javier; Rodriguez-Alarcon, J. Franco; Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Farfán-Solís, Rosa
| | | Artigo atualização | | | | · Design and implementation of the Professional Wellbeing Programme of the Medical Council Association of Uruguay Dapueto, Juan J.; Klasse, Eloísa; Campos, Néstor; Rodríguez Andrada, Blauco; Romero Agüit, Serafín; Braquehais, María Dolores; Tolchinsky, Gustavo; Pereira, María Teresa; Sarubbo, Laura; Ceroni, Claudia; Sánchez, Natalia; Blanc, Lida
| | | | · Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Staff at a Health Institution in Medellin During the COVID-19 Pandemic Restrepo-Martínez, Miguel; Escobar, Marcela; Marín, Luz Aida; Restrepo, Diana
| | | | · Repercussions of COVID-19 on psychiatric inpatient care in Latin America and the Caribbean Ardila-Gómez, Sara; Fernández, Marina; Matkovich, Andrés; Rosales, Melina; Alonso, Rocío; Agrest, Martín; Paternina, Julia; Díaz, Alberto Velzi
| | | Artigo de evisão | | | | · The role of psychosocial adversity in the aetiology and course of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Gómez-Cano, Sujey; Zapata-Ospina, Juan Pablo; Arcos-Burgos, Mauricio; Palacio-Ortiz, Juan David
| | | Reporte do caso | | | | · The importance of organic screening, regarding a clinical case Velarde-Pedraz, Guillermo; Sánchez-Gayango, Agustín; Núñez-Garces, Marta
| | | | · Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Associated with Atypical Antipsychotics: A Case Report Mogollón Díaz, Johana Patricia; Lizcano Toloza, Linda Yurani; Serrano García, Angie Yarlady; Alquichire Luna, Camilo Andrés; García Bohorquez, Diego Fernando; Chaparro Durán, María Fernanda; Cáceres Valero, María Valentina
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