| Sumário rev.colomb.psiquiatr. vol.52 no.2 Bogotá abr./jun. 2023 Editorial | | | | · Mental health in the current social scenario in Colombia Santamaría-García, Hernando
| | | | · Does Cognition Predict the Perceptions of Older Adults Regarding Self-Stigma in Seeking Help? Giannouli, Vaitsa
| | | Artigo original | | | | · Factors Associated with Suicidal Intent in Economically Active Patients Diagnosed with Major Depression Betancur Díaz, María Alejandra; Garzón Ladino, Andrea Lorena; Vallejo Silva, Alexie; Murillo Pinto, Milton
| | | Artigo especial | | | | · Prevention of Illicit Drug use from the Users' Perspective Arena Ventura, Carla Aparecida; Sordi Carrara, Bruna; Da Silva Frazão, Iracema; Janis Eugênio, Samira; Guimarães de Ávila Domingos, Stefany; Ferreira, Paulo Sergio
| | | Artigo original | | | | · Clinical Experience of Electroconvulsive Therapy with Anaesthetic and Muscle Relaxant at the Clínica Universidad de La Sabana: 2009-2017 Acero González, Ángela Rocío; Guzmán Sabogal, Yahira Rossini; Salamanca Dimas, Hollman; Páez Avendaño, Verónica; Pineda Carrascal, Erika; Izquierdo Polanco, Juliana; Ayala Escudero, Alejandra
| | | | · Electroconvulsive Therapy Impact on Memory Performance in Patients With Depression Castaño Ramírez, Oscar Mauricio; Gómez Bedoya, Carlos Andrés; Lemos Buitrago, Rocío; Castro Navarro, Juan Carlos; Valencia Aristizábal, Luis Guillermo; Valderrama Sánchez, Alexandra; Botero, Pablo Felipe; Reinoso Gualtero, Mayra Alejandra
| | | | · Imposter Syndrome and its Associated Factors in Medical Students in Six Peruvian Faculties Vilchez-Cornejo, Jennifer; Romani, Luccio; Chávez-Bustamante, Saraí Gloria; Copaja-Corzo, Cesar; Sánchez-Vicente, Juan C.; Viera-Morón, Ronald David; Ocampo-Portocarrero, Benggi
| | | | · Mental Health Disorders in Population Displaced by Conflict in Colombia: Comparative Analysis against the National Mental Health Survey 2015 León-Giraldo, Sebastián; Casas, Germán; Cuervo-Sánchez, Juan Sebastián; García, Tatiana; González-Uribe, Catalina; Moreno-Serra, Rodrigo; Bernal, Oscar
| | | Artigo de evisão | | | | · Effects of Serotonin Transporter and Receptor Polymorphisms on Depression López-Echeverri, Yéssica P.; Cardona-Londoño, Kelly J.; Garcia-Aguirre, Jhonny F.; Orrego-Cardozo, Mary
| | | | · One Hundred and Fifty Years of Hebephrenia. A Review Martínez, Daniel R.
| | | | · Is Structural Connectivity Different in Child and Adolescent Relatives of Patients with Bipolar Disorder? A Narrative Review According to Studies with DTI Robledo-Rengifo, Paula; Palacio-Ortiz, Juan David; García-Valencia, Jenny; Vargas-Upegui, Cristian
| | | Reporte do caso | | | | · Burns in the Context of a Shared Psychotic Disorder in a Colombian Referral Centre: a Case Report Alarcón Ariza, Diego Fernando; Zambrano Jerez, Laura Cristina; Ramírez Rivero, Carlos Enrique; Niño García, Jorge Andrés; Ruiz Quecan, Adriana Catalina; Domínguez Alvarado, Gonzalo Andrés
| | | | · Clozapine-Induced Eosinophilia: a Case Report Monteleone, Francesco; Gonçalvesb, Márcia; Fonseca, Luís; Simões, Sónia; Gonçalves, Andreia; Machado, Eduarda; Fonseca, João
| | | | · Hepatoxicity Induced by Clozapine: Case Report and Brief Review Revilla-Zúñiga, Joshep; Carpio, Joise Cornejo-Del; Cruzado, Lizardo
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