| Table of contents rev.colomb.psiquiatr. vol.53 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Mar. 2024 Editorial | | | | · Contemporary psychiatry and the possibility of a new neuropsychiatry Santamaría-García, Hernando
| | | | · Implications of Ethnicity/Race on Public Mental Health Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Grubert, Robin Andrés; Herazo, Edwin
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Gender Incongruence or Dysphoria: More of the Same in ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Reyes-Rojas, Mónica
| | | Original article | | | | · Social Determinants, Symptoms and Mental Problems in Adults Internally Displaced by Armed Conflict. Soacha, Colombia, 2019 Pmeros-Ortíz, Sandra Elizabeth; Urrego-Mendoza, Zulma Consuelo; Garzón-Orjuela, Nathaly; Eslava-Schmalbach, Javier
| | | | · Psychiatric Disorders in Pregnant Women Admitted to the High-Risk Obstetric Service in a Colombian University Clinic Between 2013 and 2017 Constaín, Gustavo A.; Ocampo Saldarriaga, María Victoria; Franco Vásque, José Gabriel; Naranjo, Luisa Fernanda; Restrepo Conde, Cristóbal; Estrada Muñoz, Daniel; López, Laura Chaverra; Buriticá González, Jerónimo
| | | | · Psychometric Properties of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 faceted Brief Form in a Brazilian Community Sample Pereira Gongalves, André; Carvalho Franco, Gabriel; Miquelino Francisco, Guilherme
| | | | · Experience with the use of the DIALOG+ Intervention in Patients with Severe Mental Illness in Outpatient Services in Colombia Ramírez, Sandra Milena; Cabarique, Camilo; Ortiz, Natalia; Uribe-Restrepo, José Miguel; Bird, Victoria; Priebe, Stefan; Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos
| | | | · Incidence of confusional syndrome (delirium) in a Latin American university hospital Oviedo Lugo, Gabriel Fernando; García Martínez, Paola Andrea; Duarte Osorio, Andrés; Rincón, Carlos Javier; López, Alejandra; Chavarría, Roberto; Pineda Betancur, Catalina; García-Gil, Natalia; Duarte-Ariza, María Natalia; Patiño-Trejos, Juan Agustín; Insignares, Juan Sebastián; Gómez-Restrepo, Carlos
| | | | · Mood and Sleep Quality in Peruvian Medical Students During COVID-19 Pandemic Olarte-Durand, Mely; Roque-Aycachi, Jossiel B.; Rojas-Humpire, Ricardo; Canaza-Apaza, Josue F.; Laureano, Stefani; Rojas-Humpire, Andrea; Huancahuire-Vega, Salomón
| | | | · Violence Exposure and Disability in Colombian Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: the Mediating Role of Depressive Symptoms Sandoval, Lina Marcela; Siprian Castro, Elvis; Fandiño-Losada, Andrés; Pacichana-Quinayaz, Sara Gabriela; Lennon, Shirley Evelyn; Gutiérrez-Martínez, María Isabel
| | | | · Prevalence and Factors Associated with Depression in Healthcare Personnel During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the Department of Piura, Peru Espinoza-Ascurra, Gonzalo; Gonzales-Graus, Iván; Meléndez-Marón, Mónica; Cabrera, Rufino
| | | | · Relationship Between Psychoactive Substance, Alcohol and Cigarette use in Nursing Students. A Cross-Sectional Study Ruiz, Jenny Paola Garzón; Cortés-Muñoz, Fabián; Buenaño, Mónica Alexandra Ferrer; Hernández, Anggie Lizeth García; Cortés, John Jalber Lombana; Mondragón, José Luis Quimbay; Cabezas, Mateo Alejandro Gil; Fresneda, Angie Paola Parada; Arcila, Johan Stiven Buitrago; Cruz, Luis Fernando Agudelo; Granados, Laura Daniela Fonseca; Barrera, Jennifer Tatiana Ruiz
| | | Investigation methodology and critical reading | | | | · Critical Appraisal of the Colombian Clinical Practice Guide for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Suicidal Ideation and/or Behaviour (Adoption) Restrepo, Diana; Zapata-Barco, Ana M.; Escobar, Juan A.; Mejía-Rodríguez, David; Parra-Dunoyer, Daniela; Vargas, Oscar; Vélez, Luis Miguel; Buriticá, Iris T.; Vélez, Isabel; Estrada, Sebastián; Rojas-Gualdrón, Diego F.
| | | Review article | | | | · Electrophysiological Biomarkers in Dual Pathology Rojas Bernal, Luz Angela; Santamaría García, Hernando; Castaño Pérez, Guillermo Alonso
| | | Case report | | | | · Adolescent Patient with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due Atypical Stressor: Case Report Muñoz Valencia, Jhonny Alejandro; Muñoz Zuñiga, Jose Ricardo; Rivas Nieto, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Haematological Adverse Effects Associated with Olanzapine in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: Three Case Reports Bottoni-Tito, Elard; Messa-Aguilar, Wendy
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