| Sumário rev.fac.med. vol.65 no.1 Bogotá jan./mar. 2017 Editorial | | | | · The number of articles submitted to the Journal of the Faculty of Medicine experienced a dramatic increase Escobar-Córdoba, Franklin
| | | Artigos originales | | | | · Is parricide a stable phenomenon? An analysis of parricide offenders in a forensic hospital de Borba-Telles, Lisieux Elaine; Menelli Goldfeld, Patrícia Rivoire; Soares Barros, Alcina Juliana; Schwengber, Henderson Eduarth; Peres-Day, Vivian; de Moraes-Costa, Gabriela
| | | | · Alcoholism in women del Carmen Míguez, María; Permuy, Beatriz
| | | | · Study of associated factors and prevalence of illegal psychoactive substance use among students of a university in Colombia Castaño-Castrillón, José Jaime; García, Stefanía; Luna, Javier; Morán, Milena; Ocampo, Daniel; Ortíz, Laura
| | | | · Lifestyle of workers from Bucaramanga, Colombia and its metropolitan area, and its association with overweight Rangel-Caballero, Luis Gabriel; Gamboa-Delgado, Edna Magaly; Rojas-Sánchez, Lyda Zoraya
| | | | · Physical condition and quality of life in schoolchildren aged between 8 and 12 Rosa-Guillamón, Andrés; García-Cantó, Eliseo; Rodríguez-García, Pedro Luís; Pérez-Soto, Juan José
| | | | · Obesity, self-esteem and fitness in students Delgado-Floody, Pedro; Caamaño-Navarrete, Felipe; Jerez-Mayorga, Daniel; Cofré-Lizama, Alfonso; Osorio-Poblete, Aldo; Campos-Jara, Christian; Guzmán-Guzmán, Iris; Martínez-Salazar, Cristian; Carcamo-Oyarzun, Jaime
| | | | · Anatomical variations of the aortic arch in a sample of Colombian population Rojas, Manuel; Muete, Wilson; Quijano, Yobanny
| | | | · Association between hypertension awareness and treatment adherence in hypertensive patients at Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins in Lima, Perú, 2015 Rodríguez-Abt, Jose Carlos; Solís-Visscher, Rodrigo José; Rogic-Valencia, Sime Joso; Román, Yuani; Reyes-Rocha, Miguel
| | | | · Comorbidities associated to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Zuluaga-Valencia, Juan Bernardo; Fandiño-Tabares, Diana Carolina
| | | | · Cognition, electroencephalographic response and their relation with heart rate variability León-Ariza, Henry Humberto; Botero-Rosas, Daniel Alfonso; Sánchez-Jiménez, Alveiro; Ramírez-Villada, Jhon Fredy; Acero-Mondragón, Edward Javier
| | | | · Aspects related to the number of dental appointments attended by pregnant women in Santander Almario-Barrera, Andrea Johanna; Villarreal-Neira, Camila; Concha-Sánchez, Sonia Constanza
| | | | · Occupational therapists in the Colombian penitentiary system Garzón-Sarmiento, Angélica María; Pérez-Miranda, Cindy Camila; Torres-Zaque, Yuly Alexandra; Tunaroza-Chilito, Yulieth Paola; Peñas-Felizzola, Olga Luz
| | | | · Educational practices in Medicine teaching Vera-Silva, Leonor; Calderón-García, Alberto
| | | | · Active learning in students of the subject Occupation and Welfare in the Occupational Therapy program of Universidad Nacional de Colombia Parra-Esquivel, Eliana Isabel; Gómez-Galindo, Ana María; Peñas-Felizzola1, Olga Luz
| | | Health market failures: Colombian case Bejarano-Daza, Javier Eduardo; Hernández-Losada, Diego Fernando
| | | Evolução do sistema público de saúde no Brasil frente ao estágio atual da prevenção do câncer de colo uterino em mulheres jovens e adolescentes Sanches, Taís Tovani; Siqueira-Oliveira, Thaliany; Papp-Moretti, Cristina; Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto; Hishinuma, Gilberto
| | | Cardiac rehabilitation in pediatrics: What does evidence say? Vargas-Pinilla, Olga Cecilia; Mantilla, José Alfonso
| | | Suicidal behaviour in indigenous population: state of the art review Vargas-Espíndola, Alejandra; Villamizar-Guerrero, Juliet Catherine; Puerto-López, Jhon Sebastián; Rojas-Villamizar, Manuel Ricardo; Ramírez-Montes, Omar Santiago; Urrego-Mendoza, Zulma Consuelo
| | | Stroke: pathophysiology from the biomedical system perspective and its equivalent in the traditional Chinese medicine Ruiz-Mejía, Alba Fernanda; Pérez-Romero, Germán Enrique; Ángel-Macías, Mauricio Alberto
| | | Artigo de revisão | | | | · Molecular markers in the diagnosis and prognosis of sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock Prado-Díaz, Alfredo; Castillo, Andrés; Rojas, Diana Marcela; Chávez-Vivas, Mónica
| | | Relatos de casos | | | | · Expansão rápida da maxila assistida cirurgicamente no tratamento reabilitador das fissuras bilaterais completas de lábio e palato: particularidades técnicas Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto; Strini Portinari Beja, Gabriela Benedini; Perez-Faverani, Leonardo; Ramalho-Ferreira, Gabriel
| | | | · Acute appendicitis following blunt abdominal trauma. Coincidence or causality? Latorre, Sergio Iván; Bustos, John Alexander; Villate, Juan Pablo
| | | | · DRESS syndrome induced by anticonvulsants and fulminant hepatic failure Londoño-Arcila, Héctor Fabio; Guerra-Pabón, María Alejandra; Hernández-Revelo, Cristhian David; Hoyos-Samboni, Diego Fernando; Jiménez-Orrego, Katherine Vanessa
| | | Cartas al editor | | | | · Spare the rod, spoil the child: Bullying during medical internship in three Peruvian hospitals Achata-Espinoza, Miguel; Muñoz-Dueñas, Carmen Rosa; Cabrejos-Llontop, Sarai; Toro-Huamanchumo, Carlos Jesús
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