| Table of contents rev.fac.med. vol.67 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Mar. 2019 Editorial | | | | · Comments on split-night polysomnography Liendo, Alicia; Liendo, César H
| | | Original papers | | | | · Split-night polysomnography at Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá Osuna-Suárez, Edgar; Zamora-Gómez, Adrián Camilo; Martínez-Rubio, Carlos Fernando; Valencia-Mendoza, María Camila; Guzmán-Prado, Yuli; Venegas-Mariño, Marco Aurelio; Patiño-Fernández, Gustavo Andrés
| | | | · Causes of cancellation of scheduled surgeries in a tertiary care clinic from Popayán, Colombia Muñoz-Caicedo, Augusto; Perlaza-Cuero, Luis Arturo; Burbano-Álvarez, Viviana Alexa
| | | | · Clinical features of children with congenital hypothyroidism in Santander, Colombia Acevedo-Rojas, Melina; Mendoza-Rojas, Víctor Clemente
| | | | · Stages of behavior change and their correlation with alcohol, tobacco and drug use in schoolchildren aged 9 to 17 in Bogotá D.C., Colombia Núñez, Oscar; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson; Correa-Bautista, Jorge Enrique
| | | | · Validation of a tool to disclose HIV diagnosis to children and adolescents Trejos-Herrera, Ana María; Alarcón-Vásquez, Yolima; Pino-Melgarejo, Mariana; Mebarak-Chams, Moisés
| | | | · Correlation between excess weight and food handling in food service workers. Bucaramanga, Colombia Cáceres-Jerez, Martha Lucía; Gamboa-Delgado, Edna Magaly; Silva-Mora, Martha Lucía
| | | | · Emotional significance of the feeding process in the elderly Troncoso-Pantoja, Claudia; Alarcón-Riveros, Mari; Amaya-Placencia, Antonio
| | | | · Maternal mortality in Ambato, Ecuador. 2005-2014 Moreno-Martín, Gustavo; Martínez-Martínez, Ronelsys; Moreno-Martín, Mónica; Fernández-Nieto, Miriam Ivonne; Sanabria-Negrín, José Guillermo
| | | | · A look at female masturbation: descriptive cross-sectional study in university women of the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga, Colombia Guarín-Serrano, Rocío; Mujica-Rodríguez, Ale Ana María; Cadena-Afanador, Laura del Pilar; Useche-Aldana, Bernardo Ignacio
| | | | · Attitudes of Spanish Occupational Therapy students towards the elderly Ortiz-Rubio, Araceli; Cabrera-Martos, Irene; Torres-Sánchez, Irene; Casilda-López, Jesús; Ariza-Mateos, María José; Valenza, Marie Carmen
| | | | · Results of a cognitive-linguistic stimulation program for elders and its impact on quality of life Lara-Díaz, María Fernanda; Beltrán-Rojas, Judy Costanza; Araque-Jaramillo, Sandra Milena
| | | | · Public health education in an undergraduate nursing program of a public university in Colombia Rodríguez-Gallo, Erika Bibiana; Parra-Vargas, Myriam
| | | | · Nursing according to Derrida 's deconstructivistperspective Rebolledo-Malpica, Dinora
| | | Reflection article | | | | · A complex perspective on the etiology of diseases Moreno-Leiva, Germán Mauricio; Álvarez-Zuñiga, Miguel Ángel; Arias-Poblete, Leónidas Eduardo
| | | Review article | | | | · Pharmacological treatment of Kawasaki disease Escobar, Hellmann Adrián; Meneses-Gaviria, Gyhill; Ijají-Piamba, Jhon Edison; Triana-Murcia, Héctor Mauricio; Molina-Bolaños, Jaime Alexander; Vidal-Martínez, Juan Felipe; Correa-Gallego, Cristian Felipe; Cedeño-Burbano, Anuar Alonso
| | | | · Liver cell models for studying lipid metabolism. Literature review Aguillón-Osma, Johanny; Loango-Chamorro, Nelsy; Landazuri, Patricia
| | | | · Materials for lower limb prosthetic and orthotic interfaces and sockets: Evolution and associated skin problems Quintero-Quiroz, Catalina; Pérez, Vera Zasúlich
| | | | · Anaesthesia for patients with pre-eclampsia Martínez-Rodríguez, John Edward; Camacho-Yacumal, Alexander; Unigarro-Benavides, Lina Victoria; Nazareno, Deily Yohana; Fernández-Pabón, Johana; Burbano-Imbachí, Alexander; Cardona-Gómez, Diana Catalina; Cedeño-Burbano, Anuar Alonso
| | | | · Prescription of physical activity and its implications in adults who have experienced burns Betancourt-Cárdenas, Paula Andrea; Camargo-Caldas, Nubia Esperanza; Rodríguez-Camacho, Diego Fabricio; Lozano-Rivera, Estefanía; Correa, Juan Felipe
| | | | · Child development and socioeconomic status. Review article Herrera-Mora, Deisy Brigitt; Munar-Torres, Yesenia Esmeralda; Molina-Achury, Nancy Jeanet; Robayo-Torres, Aydee Luisa
| | | | · Razonamiento clínico en terapia ocupacional. Una revisión narrativa Moruno-Millares, Pedro; Talavera-Valverde, Miguel Ángel; Reyes-Torres, Adriana
| | | Case reports | | | | · Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in Neiva, Colombia: Case Report Ortiz-Polanco, Silvia Patricia; Castañeda-Uvajoa, Diana Mercedes; Vega, Martha Rocío; Salgado, Doris Martha Cecilia; Narváez, Carlos Fernando; Rodríguez, Jairo Antonio
| | | | · Brain metastasis of acral lentiginous melanoma. Case report Méndez-Mathey, Vanessa Elizabeth
| | | Letters to the editor | | | | · Endotoxins and the importance of procalcitonin Yasno-Navia, Paola Andrea; Zuñiga-Ceron, Luisa Fernanda; Saavedra-Torres, Jhan Sebastian; Pinzón-Fernández, María Virginia
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