| Sumário rev.fac.med. vol.68 no.4 Bogotá out,/dez. 2020 Editorial | | | | · Scarcity of Pediatricians in Colombia Escobar-Córdoba PhD, Franklin; Restrepo Gualteros, Sonia
| | | Artigos originales | | | | · Characterization of the number, distribution and pertinence of pediatricians in Colombia. 2017 Hernández-Álvarez, Mario; Mesa-Melgarejo, Lorena; Galván-Villamarín, Fernando; Mayorga, Clemencia; Vega, Marcela
| | | | · Ergonomie errors in a basic microsurgery course Camacho, Francisco José; Rojas, Manuel Andrés
| | | | · Effects of active meditation on physical and psycho-emotional stress indicators in Chilean health sciences students. A pilot study Morrison, Rodolfo; Paz-Díaz, Carmen; Gutiérrez, Pamela; Frías, Carla; Espinosa, Alejandra; Soto, Paula; González, Alejandra; Mella, Sandra; López, Ignacio
| | | | · Measuring diet quality in health personnel of a Chilean hospital using the Healthy Eating Index Schifferli-Castro, Ingrid; Cofré-Jara, Sebastián; Soto-Rodríguez, Francisco; Soto-Rodríguez, Luis; Vargas-Nuñez, Karen
| | | | · Biopsychosocial characteristics related to smoking and cessation intention among smokers in a university environment Becerra, Nelci; García-Padilla, Pilar; Gil, Fabián; Vergara, Angélica
| | | | · Effects of cryotherapy on the tibiotarsal joint in the cross-sectional area of rat tibialis anterior and soleus muscles Ramírez-Ramírez, Carolina
| | | | · Relationship between fitness level and perceived health-related quality of life in adolescents from southeast Spain Nieto-López, Laura; García-Cantó, Eliseo; Rosa-Guillamón, Andrés
| | | | · Mathematical modeling of the effects of atmospheric pressure on mosquito (Díptera: Culicidae) population density in Villa Clara, Cuba Fimia-Duarte, Rigoberto; Osés-Rodríguez, Ricardo; Alarcón-Elbal, Pedro María; Aldaz-Cárdenas, Jaime Wilfrido; Roig-Boffill, Bárbara Verónica; Fé-Rodríguez, Pedro Yoelvys de la
| | | | · SNP-SNP interactions in the BDNF, COMT, CBR1 and CCK genes, associated with post-traumatic stress disorder in urban residents of Itagüí, Colombia Duque-Quintero, Mariana; Martínez-Garro, Juliana; Guzmán-González, Pablo Andrés; Sierra-Hincapié, Gloria María; Torres-de Galvis, Yolanda
| | | | · Risk factors for preterm birth in Bogota D.C., Colombia Ahumada, Juan Sebastián; Barrera, Angela María; Canosa, Daniela; Cárdenas, Laura; Uriel, María; Ibáñez, Edgar Antonio; Romero, Ximena Carolina
| | | Resumos | | | | · Third Congress on Research 2019 held by the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Abstracts Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Medicina
| | | Short Communications | | | | · Inter- and intra-hemispheric differences of non-linear dynamics in electroencephalogram signals during the execution of an attention test Maureira-Cid, Fernando; Flores-Ferro, Elizabeth; Díaz-Muñoz, Hernán
| | | Artigo de reflexão | | | | · Delirium in critically ill children Acosta-Murillo, Nancy Rocío
| | | | · Update on hereditary colorectal cancer and its impact on public health Domínguez-Barrera, Constantino; Castro-Mujica, María del Carmen; Ñique-Carbajal, César; Dominguez-Valentin, Mev
| | | | · Use of 3D printing in reconstructive plastic surgery Telich-Tarriba, José Eduardo; Ramírez-Sosa, Lino Enrique; Palafox, Damián; Ortega-Hernandez, Esteban; Rendón-Medina, Marco Aurelio
| | | Artigo de revisão | | | | · Breastfeeding: myths and truths. Review article Vargas-Zarate, Melier; Becerra-Bulla, Fabiola; Balsero-Oyuela, Sandra Yineth; Meneses-Burbano, Yuleidy Sandaly
| | | | · Association between the reward system and food choice in middle-aged and older adults Valladares, Macarena; Obregón, Ana María; Pino, Carolina
| | | Revisão sistemática | | | | · Occupational health and safety in agriculture. A systematic review Molina-Guzmán, Licet Paola; Ríos-Osorio, Leonardo Alberto
| | | Relatos de casos | | | | · Use of metformin and an SGLT2 inhibitor to treat congenital generalized lipodystrophy. Case report González-Clavijo, Angélica María; Fierro-Maya, Luis Felipe; Muñoz-Loaiza, Juan David; Perilla-Roa, Daniel; Pérez-Moreno, Esteban Javier; Guzmán-Rojas, Jennifer Daniela; Herrera-Cardona, Juan Esteban
| | | | · Carcinoid heart disease: a diagnostic challenge. Case Report Durán, Luis Fernando; Buitrago-Toro, Kenny; Jiménez-Salazar, Silvana; Alvarado, Uriel; Anturi, Stefanny; Alvira, Katherine
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