| Table of contents rev.fac.med. vol.69 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Mar. 2021 Editorial | | | | · Pseudo-COVID-19. A new mental disorder? Escobar-Córdoba PhD, Franklin; de Borba Telles PhD, Lisieux E.; Hernández-Yasno MD, Psychr, Marcelo
| | | Original papers | | | | · Effects of COVID-19 confinement measures on training loads and the level of well-being in players from Chile women's national soccer team Villaseca-Vicuña, Rodrigo; Pérez-Contreras, Jorge; Merino-Muñoz, Pablo; González-Jurado, José Antonio; Aedo-Muñoz, Esteban
| | | | · Spatial and spatiotemporal clustering of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador Ballesteros, Patricia; Salazar, Emily; Sánchez, Diana; Bolaños, Carlos
| | | | · Ad honorem exhaustion: Burnout prevalence in residents from a Colombian university Larrotta-Castillo, Diego; Cruz-Marroquín, Carlos; Rodríguez-Peñuela, Julián; Alzáte-Granados, Juan Pablo; Cote-Menéndez, Miguel; Galván-Villamarín, José Fernando
| | | | · Clinical, radiological and laboratory characteristics of pediatric patients with COVID-19: Living systematic review Vasco-Morales, Santiago; Vasco-Toapanta, Cristhian Santiago; Toapanta-Pinta, Paola Cristina
| | | | · Clinical questionnaires for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease diagnosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Bastidas-Goyes, Alirio Rodrigo; Cardozo-Niñoz, Andrés Orlando; Quintero-Muñoz, Elias; López-Gómez, Kenny Andrés; Suárez-Escobar, Lilia Patricia; Hernández-Santos, Lorena Esmeralda
| | | | · Reference values for height, weight, and body mass index of children and adolescents aged 2 to 18. A systematic review with an emphasis on the Colombian population López-Laiseca, José David; Massuça, Luís Miguel
| | | Recommendations from the Asociación Colombiana de Medicina del Sueño for the practice of sleep medicine in Colombia during the COVID-19 pandemic Zabala-Parra, Sandra Irene; Venegas, Marco; Amado-Galeano, Yhon Steve; Escobar-Córdoba, Franklin; Restrepo-Gualteros, Sonia María; Tavera-Saldaña, Lina Marcela; Bazurto-Zapata, María Angélica; Echeverry-Chabur, Jorge
| | | Infection, treatment and virological features of SARS-CoV-2. A brief overview Cifuentes-Faura, Javier
| | | Ethical and clinical challenges when providing medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia: A global perspective to contribute to the local context Echeverry-Raad, Jairo; Navarro-Vargas, José Ricardo
| | | Review article | | | | · Recomendaciones para la atención nutricional hospitalaria en pacientes con COVID-19. Revisión de la literatura Pinzón-Espitia, Olga Lucía; Pardo-Oviedo, Juan Mauricio
| | | Case reports | | | | · Cutaneous manifestations in a patient with COVID-19 treated at a hospital in the Peruvian jungle. A case report Echeverría, Ronald Rainer; Caceres, Onice Jimena; Quiñones-Laveriano, Dante Manuel; Sueyoshi, Jennifer Harumi
| | | | · Priapism in a patient on hemodialysis and with COVID-19. Case report Larrarte-Arenas, Carolina; Vargas-Ángel, Diana Carolina
| | | Letters to the editor | | | | · The "lost years" in the history of the Peruvian Health System Domínguez-Barrera, Constantino
| | | | · Motivation for learning, a fundamental aspect for the comprehensive training of health sciences students amid the COVID-19 pandemic Muñoz-Vidal, Fabián Andrés; Beltrán-Véliz, Juan Carlos
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