| Sumário rev.fac.med. vol.70 no.2 Bogotá abr./jun. 2022 Editorial | | | | · Hospital Universitario Nacional de Colombia's expansion Navarro Vargas, José Ricardo; Parada Baños, Arturo José; Bejarano Daza, Javier Eduardo
| | | Artigos originales | | | | · School food environments and child feeding practices: An ethnographic approach in schools located in Cali, Colombia Varela-Arévalo, María Teresa; Méndez-Paz, Fabián
| | | | · Implementation of an Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) as a tool to evaluate the development of clinical reasoning in physical therapy students Figueroa-Arce, Nicole; Figueroa-González, Paola; Gómez-Miranda, Luis; Gutiérrez-Arias, Ruvistay; Contreras-Pizarro, Viviana
| | | | · Empathy levels among dental students and professors from a dental school in the Dominican Republic Díaz-Narváez, Víctor Patricio; Silva-Vetri, María Guadalupe; Stocklin, Boni; González-Díaz, Eugenia; Calzadilla-Núñez, Aracelis; Torres-Martínez, Pilar; Reyes-Reyes, Alejandro
| | | | · Publication of works presented in the 2016 and 2018 editions of the National Student Scientific Event on Internal Medicine -MEDINTÁVILA Hernández-García, Frank; Corrales-Reyes, Ibraín Enrique; Pérez-García, Enrique Rolando; Sorí-Peña, Juan Antonio; Góngora-Gómez, Onelis; Mejia, Christian Richard
| | | | · Comparison of different definitions of metabolic syndrome and their relationship with cardiovascular risk estimation Roca-Sanchez-Moreno, Jorge David; Soto, Alonso; Núñez-Muñoz, Alison Liz; Cruz-Vargas, Jhony Alberto De La; Quiñones-Laveriano, Dante Manuel
| | | | · Deaths, infections, and herd immunity in the COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative study of the strategies for disease containment implemented in Peru and the United Kingdom Moya-Salazar, Jeel; Cañari, Betsy; Zuñiga, Nahomi; Jaime-Quispe, Alexis; Rojas-Zumaran, Víctor; Contreras-Pulache, Hans
| | | Guía de práctica clínica | | | | · Clinical practice guideline for the management of community-acquired pneumonia Cortés, Jorge Alberto; Cuervo-Maldonado, Sonia Isabel; Nocua-Báez, Laura Cristina; Valderrama, Martha Carolina; Sánchez, Edgar Alberto; Saavedra, Alfredo; Torres, July Vianneth; Forero, Diana Paola; Álvarez-Moreno, Carlos Arturo; Leal, Aura Lucía; Pérez, Jairo Enrique; Rodríguez, Iván Arturo; Guevara, Fredy Orlando; Saavedra, Carlos Humberto; Vergara, Erika Paola; Montúfar, Franco Eduardo; Espinosa, Tatiana; Chaves, Walter; Carrizosa, Jorge Armando; Meléndez, Sugeich Del Mar; Espinosa, Carmelo José; García-López, Felipe; Guzmán, Ingrid Jany; Cortés, Sergio Leonardo; Díaz, Jorge Augusto; González, Nathaly
| | | Artigo de revisão | | | | · Policy action initiatives against obesity in Colombia: a literature review using the NOURISHING framework methodology Colombian policy actions against obesity Muñoz Ruiz, Melisa Alejandra; González Zapata, Laura Inés; Cediel, Gustavo
| | | Relatos de casos | | | | · Endoscopic negative pressure therapy for the closure of an esophagojejunal anastomosis fistula. Case report Velásquez-Cuasquen, Braulio Giovanni; Romo-Romero, William Oswaldo; Meza-Rodríguez, Julián Andrés; Romo-Fajardo, María Camila
| | | | · Pseudohypoparathyroidism associated with Gitelman syndrome. Case report Saavedra-López, Harold Felipe; Meléndez-Rhenals, Sugeich
| | | Cartas al editor | | | | · Publication of works rated as “top ten” at scientific congresses of Peruvian medical students Aquino-Canchari, Christian; Ticona, Diana Manuela; Alarco, Juan Jhonnel
| | | | · Biofabrication of hearts in Colombia as a national project Tabares-González, Juan Hember
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