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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina
versão impressa ISSN 0120-0011


Sumário vol.71 no.3 Bogotá jul./set. 2023

 ·  On medical education in Latín America
Hernández Yasnó, Marcelo Andrés

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 Artigos originales
 ·  Growth percentiles and growth curves for weight, height, and body mass index of children and adolescents aged 2-18 years from Huila, Colombia
López-Laiseca, José David; Massuça, Luís Miguel

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 ·  Barriers and limitations to publishing undergraduate theses and factors influencing the intention to publish among new medical graduates from Peruvian universities
Fernandez-Guzman, Daniel; Caira-Chuquineyra, Brenda; Olortegui-Rodriguez, Juan; Condori-Meza, Benjamin; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro

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 ·  Efficacy of a context-based learning approach to improve the learning of concentration units calculation among medical students
Layton-Jaramillo, Soraya Elena; Villamil-Villar, William Anibal; Aguaded-Ramírez, Eva María; Carrillo-Rosúa, Javier

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 ·  Molecular characteristics of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates obtained from urine samples of patients with urinary tract infection in Lima and Callao, Peru
Fajardo-Loyola, Alexander; Yareta-Yareta, José; Meza-Fernández, Henry; Soto-Pastrana, Javier; Marcos-Carbaja, Pool

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 ·  Patients assessed using teleconsultation due to high blood pressure during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tucumán (Argentina)
Carrizo, Álvaro Daniel; López, María Eugenia; Marañón, Rodrigo Oscar; Bruno, María Peral-de; Joo-Turoni, Claudio

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 ·  Human gastric adenocarcinoma explant culture: a model for the evaluation of the oncolytic activity of rotavirus Wt1-5
Sossa-Rojas, Henry; Franco-Maz, Pedro Gabriel; Zapata-Acevedo, Carlos Manuel; Guerrero-Fonseca, Carlos Arturo

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 ·  Analysis of confounding caused by creatinine and age in the correlation between soluble tumor necrosis factor a receptor 1 (sTNFR1) levels and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in Colombian patients with type 2 diabetes
Poveda, Alejandro; Gómez-Banoy, Nicolás; Mockus, Ismena

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 Artigo de reflexão
 ·  Impact of online learning and the full return to face-to-face classes on the mental health of pediatric population during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Piñeros-Ortiz, Sandra Elizabeth; Hernández-Yasnó, Marcelo Andrés; Escobar-Córdoba, Franklin

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 ·  Beyond the economic uncertainty of disease
Bejarano-Daza, Javier Eduardo

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 Relatos de casos
 ·  Emphysematous pyelonephritis as a complication of staghorn calculi: A case report
Azañero-Haro, Johan; Segura-Gago, Gino; Benavides-Samame, Alejandro; Chirinos-Molina, Tatiana; Soto, Alonso

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 Cartas al editor
 ·  Does bureaucracy in primary care dehumanize the provision of healthcare services?
Medina-Gamero, Aldo; Regalado-Chamorro, Mónica

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 ·  The technical paper on efficacy and safety of the medical use of cannabis and cannabis-derived finished products is not a systematic review
Ortega-Mora, Gustavo

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