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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina
versão impressa ISSN 0120-0011


Sumário vol.71 no.4 Bogotá out./dez. 2023

 ·  Inclusive education in Colombia
Lara Díaz, María Fernanda

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 Artigos originales
 ·  Age of pubertal height growth spurt in children and adolescents from Huila, Colombia
López-Laiseca, José David; Massuça, Luís Miguel

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 ·  Chemistry tutoring sessions: educational support program for health sciences students
Layton-Jaramillo, Soraya Elena; Moneada, Ligia

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 ·  Elevated B12 levels and mortality among inpatients at a university hospital in Colombia
Molina-Pimienta, Luisana; Amado-Garzón, Sandra Brigitte; Salgado-Sánchez, Juan Camilo; Vásquez-Jiménez, Juan Manuel

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 ·  Satisfaction level and correlation between performance and self-evaluation of physical therapy students in an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) designed to assess clinical reasoning
Figueroa-González, Paola; Figueroa-Arce, Nicole; Gómez-Miranda, Luis; Gutiérrez-Arias, Ruvistay; Contreras-Pizarro, Viviana

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 ·  Characteristics of the recommendations included in the clinical practice guidelines commissioned by the Colombian Ministry of Health (2013-2021): A systematic review
Muñoz-Florez, Anamaría; Balcázar-Muñoz, Ángela Manuela; Villar, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez, Felipe Angel; Queremel-Milani, Daniel

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 ·  Nutrition model at the Hospital Universitario Nacional de Colombia: Contributions made by the Department of Human Nutrition of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Cubillos-Vásquez, Sandra Maritza; Barrera-Perdomo, María del Pilar

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 ·  Opportunities and challenges for speech-language pathologists to move towards inclusive education in Colombia
Guerrero, Yeison; Rojas-Romero, Cristian Jovan

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 Revisão sistemática
 ·  Effects of physical activity on heart rate variability in adults with overweight or obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Betancur-Sepúlveda, Lubin; Ramírez-Villada, Jhon Freddy; Arango-Paternina, Carlos Mario

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 Relatos de casos
 ·  Sitosterolemia caused by mutations in the ABCG8 gene. First case report in Colombia
Saavedra-López, Harold Felipe; Ospina-Lagos, Sandra Yaneth; Blanco-Bustos, Maria Paula

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 ·  Mucocutaneous lesions associated with lymphoproliferative disorder: a case report
Borda-Pedraza, Katherin Andrea; Arias-Pedroza, Viviana Leticia; Quinche-Pardo, Mauricio Ernesto

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 Cartas al editor
 ·  3D bioprinting: printing life opportunities
Medina-Gamero, Aldo; Regalado-Chamorro, Mónica; Rosario-Pacahuala, Emilio

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 ·  Monkeypox: A global public health threat?
Minchóla-Castañeda, Kevin; Mozo-Marquina, Renzzo

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