Artigo de investigação e inovação cientifica e tecnológica |
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| · Comparação de métodos de amostragem para avaliação do sistema radicular da cana-de-açúcar Silva-Olaya, Adriana Marcela; Pellegrino Cerri, Carlos Eduardo; Cerri, Carlos Clemente
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| · Mechanism of action of five plan growth promoters microorganism González F., Harold; Fuentes M., Natalia
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| · Ecologic relationships among host fruits, frugivorous flies and parasitoids in a fragment of tropical dry forest Saavedra-Díaz, Jeferson; Galeano-Olaya, Pedro Edgar; Canal D, Nelson Augusto
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| · Home gardens agrobiodiversity in the Colombian Andes Montenegro, Milena; Lagos B, Tulio César; Vélez L, Jorge
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| · Standardization of a formulation of panelitas de leche: preliminary study Ortiz-Álvarez, José Rafael; Cortés-Jiménez, Amanda; Ramírez-Navas, Juan Sebastián
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| · Reproductive behavior of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in laboratory conditions Cárdenas-Castro, Estrella; Páez-Martínez, Andrés
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| · Antioxidant and physicochemical properties evaluation of a mixed beverage during refrigerated storage Santander-M., Margareth; Osorio M, Oswaldo; Mejía-España, Diego
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| · Nutritional assessment of trees and shrubs of a tropical (bms- T) very dry forest for cattle production Apráez G., Edmundo; Gálvez C., Arturo Leonel; Navia E., Jorge Fernando
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| · Effect of drip and exudation irrigation systems on vegetable yield in a cold climate Benavides B., Orlando Edmundo; Barraza A., Fernando Vicente; Navia E., Jorge Fernando
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