| Table of contents Rev. Cienc. Agr. vol.38 no.2 San Juan de Pasto July/Dec. 2021 Research article | | | | · Woody species associated with coffee production systems in southern Colombia Ordoñez-Jurado, Héctor Ramiro; Martínez, Dayana Liseth; Cerón Martínez, Marbel
| | | | · Socio-economic characterization of the traditional cacao agroforestry system (Theobroma cacao L.) Ballesteros-Possú, William; Navia E., Jorge Fernando; Solarte-Guerrero, Jesús-Geovanny
| | | | · Coffee crop weeds: refuge and food source for pests’ natural enemies Arévalo, Leonel Fernando; Vasco R, Germán Felipe; Albino-Bohórquez, Arledys; Morales, Jessica; Bacca, Tito
| | | | · Evaluation of physical and chemical variables of organic substrates in a hydroponic system for strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) Guerrero-Guerrero, Elizabeth Marcela; Criollo-Escobar, Hernando; Chávez, Germán; Vélez, Jorge Alberto
| | | | · Detection of auxinic compounds in germinating seedlings Oliva Hernández, Amanda Alejandra; Quiroz-Velásquez, Jesús Di Carlo; García-Olivares, Jesús Gerardo; García León, Israel; Lizarazo Ortega, Cristian; Hernández-Mendoza, José Luis
| | | | · Response of two pepper species (Capsicum chinense Jacq. and Capsicum frutescens L.) to salt stress at germination stage in Northeast Brazil Gomes da Silva, Mairton; de Oliveira Gondim, Ancélio Ricardo; Feitosa Lêdo, Eder Ramon; Francilino, Anna Hozana; da Silva, Yasmin Alves; Gheyi, Hans Raj
| | | | · Macrofauna evaluation in two coffee agroforestry systems Navia, Jorge Fernando; Delgado, Wilmer Libey; Lagos-Burbano, Tulio César
| | | | · Perigonium color and the antioxidant capacity of cañihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) Callohuanca-Pariapaza, Manuel Alfredo; Mamani-Mamani, Evaristo; Mamani-Paredes, Javier; Canaza-Cayo, Ali William
| | | | · Carbon capture in three land use systems in the Colombian Amazonia Pardo-Rozo, Yelly-Yamparli; Andrade-Castañeda, Hernán-Jair; Muñoz-Ramos, Jader; Velásquez-Restrepo, Jaime-Enrique
| | | | · Soil vulnerability index to climatic variability in coffee regions of Colombia Lince-Salazar, Luz Adriana; Sadeghian-Khalajabadi, Siavosh; Díaz-Poveda, Vanessa Catalina
| | | | · Potentialities and limitations of Planosols with distinct depths of diagnostic horizon Gomes Costa, Mirian Cristina; Espíndola Romero, Ricardo; Santos Sousa Vieira, Juciane Maria; Shiso Toma, Raul; Anunciato Mota, Jaedson Cláudio
| | | Review article | | | | · Pathologic findings on ruminant enteric clostridial diseases reveal specificities and differences among iota and iota-like toxins Brito, Hélio S.; Alencar, Fernando C.; Alburquerque, Benedito; Silva, Marcos G.; Félix, Mellanie K.C.; Mulholland, Daniel S.; Oliveira, Eugênio E.; Mariúba, Luis Andre M.; Santos, Eliane M. S.; Brandi, Igor V.; Lobato, Francisco Carlos F.; Cangussu, Alex S.R.
| | | Research article | | | | · Fertilization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. group Phureja) Lagos-Burbano, Tulio César; Betancourt-Andrade, María-Dyanela
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