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Boletín de Geología
versão impressa ISSN 0120-0283versão On-line ISSN 2145-8553


Bol. geol. vol.46 no.2 Bucaramanga maio/ago. 2024

 Artigos científicos
 ·  Flattening factor estimation of the magnetic inclination and its implications in the Jurassic tectonic models in the NW margin of South America
Rodríguez-Chavairo, Santiago; Jiménez, Giovanny; Goyes-Peñafiel, Paul

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 ·  Anomalous apparent resistivity events from 2018 to 2021 and their possible association with the seismic activity of the Bucaramanga Seismic Nest, Colombia
Alba-Quintero, Nathaly; Vargas, Carlos Alberto

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 ·  Petrophysical characterization of the reservoir in the Santa Cruz oilfield in Cuba
Castro-Castiñeira, Olga; Reyes-Paredes, Odalys; Brey del Rey, Dania; Hernández-Pérez, Luismel

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 ·  Process mineralogy of monazite concentrate from gold mining (El Bagre, Colombia)
Correa-Rodríguez, Verónica; Pinto-Molina, Jorge Oneal; Barrientos-Benjumea, Sebastián; Ocampo-Carmona, Luz Marina; Márquez-Godoy, Marco Antonio

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 ·  Metallographic and microthermometric characterization of the Estrella-Diamantina project, Remedios-Segovia-Zaragoza Mining District, Antioquia-Colombia
Aguirre-Murillo, Isabella; Franco-Hernández, Esteban; Naranjo-Sierra, Edwin

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 ·  Carl Degenhardt and some of the first fossil reported from Colombia (South America)
Patarroyo, Pedro

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 Discussão Geological
 ·  Comentario al artículo "Nuevas edades, correlación y ciclo magmático de plutones de arco insular en el norte de la Cordillera Occidental de Colombia" por Rodríguez-García et al. (2023)
Alzate-Giraldo, María Fernanda; Bustamante, Camilo

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