| Table of contents rev.latinoam.psicol. vol.52 Bogotá June 2020 Article | | | | · A lexical decision task to measure crystallized-verbal ability in Spanish Pluck, Graham
| | | | · Profile of durable and successful marriages: A new competency-based marital education program Francisca, Cherrel J.; Rodríguez Gómez, Jaime
| | | | · Improving retention by placing retrieval practice at the end of class: a naturalistic study Ekuni, Roberta; Pompeia, Sabine
| | | | · Life Satisfaction among Indigenous People from Chile: Evaluation of Measurement Invariance Salazar-Fernández, Camila; Navarro, Regina M.; Schnettler, Berta; Saiz, José L.
| | | | · Efficacy of a cognitive stimulation programme using technology on older adults’ self-esteem, self-efficacy, and autonomy Cebreros-Valenzuela, Daniela; Mortis-Lozoya, Sonia Verónica; Hierro-Parra, Elizabeth Del; Muñoz-Arteaga, Jaime
| | | | · Perceived competence (three-dimensional), motivational regulations and self-efficacy in physical education Méndez-Giménez, Antonio; Cecchini-Estrada, José Antonio; Rodríguez-González, Pablo
| | | | · Adaptation and Factor Structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale on Chilean Children and Adolescents González-Loyola, Melissa; Oyanadel, Cristian; Peñate, Wenceslao
| | | | · The sustained increase of mental health symptoms in Chilean university students over three years Álamo, Catalina; Antúnez, Zayra; Baader, Tomas; Kendall, Jasmine; Barrientos, Mauricio; Barra, Diego de la
| | | | · Are you sexually empowered? Validation of the Female Sexual Subjectivity Inventory for Spanish-speaking women Moyano, Nieves; Granados, Reina; Vélez-Schemankewitz, Melissa; Dib-Fayad, Nicole
| | | | · Effects of frailty status on happiness and life satisfaction: The mediating role of self-perceived health Palomo -Vélez, Gonzalo; García, Francisco; Arauna, Diego; Muñoz-Mendoza, Carmen Luz; Fuentes, Eduardo; Palomo, Iván
| | | | · Cooperative and selfish urban behaviors: the citizen's dilemma Pinilla López, Raúl Fernando; Páramo, Pablo
| | | | · Sexting in adolescence: The use of technology and parental supervision Yépez-Tito, Paula; Ferragut, Marta; Blanca, María J.
| | | | · Cognitions on the dark side: Moral disengagement, dark triad and antisocial behavior in adolescents Navas, María Patricia; Férriz, Laura; Cutrín, Olalla; Maneiro, Lorena; Gómez-Fraguela, Xosé Antón; Sobral, Jorge
| | | | · Gender differences in theory-based predictors of physical activity in university students with disabilities Úbeda-Colomer, Joan; Devís-Devís, José; Martin Ginis, Kathleen A.
| | | | · Validation of a LIWC dictionary to identify intergroup emotions Garzón-Velandia, Diana Camila; Barreto, Idaly; Medina-Arboleda, Iván Felipe
| | | | · Cognitive skills in juvenile offenders, protection normalized youngsters: A contrastive study Mayorga, Erika G.; Novo, Mercedes; Fariña, Francisca; Arce, Ramón
| | | | · Face-to-face Assessment of COGTEL in Adolescents: Test-Retest Reliability and Association with School Grades Gouveia, Bruna Raquel; Gouveia, Élvio Rúbio; Kliegel, Matthias; Lopes, Helder; Rodrigues, Ana; Marques, Adilson; Correia, Ana Luísa; Alves, Ricardo; Ihle, Andreas
| | | | · Development and validity evidence of the Two-Dimensional Sexual Sensation Seeking Scale Ferrer-Urbina, Rodrigo; Mena-Chamorro, Patricio; Zambrana, Patricio; Ramírez, Cristian
| | | | · Spanish validation of the Effective Communication Scale in Soccer López-Gajardo, Miguel A.; González-Ponce, Inmaculada; Ponce-Bordón, José C.; Díaz-García, Jesús; M. Leo, Francisco
| | | Systematic Review | | | | · Psychosocial profile, risk factors and reintegration in adult women prisoners: A systematic review Romero-Lara, Patricia Rocío; Guillén-Riquelme, Alejandro; Quevedo-Blasco, Raúl
| | | Article | | | | · Emotional intelligence profiles at the end of primary education and academic performance Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Daniel
| | | | · Explanatory model of the dimensions of the perceived value of dark tourist destinations Rivera-Eraso, Álvaro; Sandoval-Escobar, Marithza
| | | | · Beliefs that justify corruption decrease willingness and perceived support to combat it Cruz Torres, Christian Enrique; Correa Romero, Fredi Everardo; García y Barragán, Luis Felipe; Contreras Ibáñez, Carlos César
| | | | · Adaptation and validation of the Victim-Blaming Attitudes in Cases of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women (VB-IPVAW) Scale in Ecuadorian population Villagrán, Aída M.; Martín-Fernández, Manuel; Gracia, Enrique; Lila, Marisol
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