| Table of contents Rev Colom Cienc Pecua vol.26 no.1 Medellín Jan./Mar. 2013 Editorial | | | | · El ENICIP: por la viabilidad del campo Zuluaga Tobón, Fabio Nelson
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Effect of cyclicity and Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (eCG) in fixed-time artificial insemination programs in Bos indicus cattle Salgado, Roger D; Maza, Libardo A; Vergara, Oscar D
| | | | · Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) clones in the semi-arid lands of Pernambuco (Brazil) Ferreira, Geane DG; Santos, Mércia VF; Lira, Mário A; Melo, Alexandre CL; Almeida, Omer C; Ribeiro, Carlos R; Oliveira, Ronaldo L; Palmieri, Adriana D
| | | | · Vocalization and behavior of Holstein cows and calves after partial and complete separation Shin-Jae, Rhim
| | | Clinical cases | | | | · Melting ulcer in a colt: clinical management and evolution Estrada, Rubén D; Penagos, Susana; Viera, Elizabeth; Angulo, Paula A; Arias, Maria P
| | | Brief communications | | | | · Buffering capacity of common feedstuffs used in ruminant diets Montañez-Valdez, Oziel D; Solano-Gama, José de Jesús; Martínez-Tinajero, Jaime J; Guerra-Medina, Cándido Enrique; Ley de Coss, Alejandro; Orozco-Hernandez, Rogelio
| | | Letters to the editor | | | | · Role of sanitary and phytosanitary measures within the context of Free Trade Agreements Torres, Alfonso
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