| Sumário Lect. Econ. n.70 Medellín jan./jun. 2009 Artigos | | | | · Economic liberalism and crisis De Vroey, Michel
| | | | · Efficiency of Chilean stock market: A diynamic approach using volatility te Acuña, Andrés; Pinto, Cristián
| | | | · Public expenditure on health, economic and elasticity of substitution: Results for Spanish economy, 1985-2003 Rodríguez, Jesús lópez; Muñoz, Miguel; Muñoz, Pablo Cesar
| | | | · The pass through from the exchange rate to the consumer prices of tradable goods: An approach to the Colombian case Jiménez, Dora Elena; Rendón, Hernando
| | | | · Whom is unemployment affecting?: Analysis of the incidence rate in Colombia Guataquí, Juan Carlos; Forero, Nohora; García, Andrés Felipe
| | | | · Female labor supply and its determinants: Evidence for colombia throug estimates of synthetic cohorts Robbins, Donald; Salinas, Daniel; Manco, Araceli
| | | | · Production and stochastic efficiency: An application to the Colombian footwear and leather industry Barrientos Marín, Jorge; Tobón, David; Gutiérrez, Alderid
| | | | · Analysis of Medellin's poverty situation using the Standard of Living Surfey, 2004-2005 Flórez, Jorge; Arenas, Cristina; Mesa, Emiro
| | | | · Events studies and the importance of the estimation methodology García, John Jairo
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