Artigos |
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| · An Estimated New Keynesian Phillips Curve for Colombia, 1996-2006: 1990-2006 Galvis, Juan Camilo
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| · A Propensity Score Matching and Spatial Hedonic Prices Approach for Estimating Property Value Fluctuations in Bogotá: Une étude pour la ville de Bogotà à partir des Propensity Score Matching et des prix hédoniques spatiaux Perdomo, Jorge Andrés
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| · Bureaucracy and Efficiency in the Provision of Public Goods: a Spatial Model of Political Competition Gatica, Leonardo; Soto, Georgina
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| · Elements for a Classical Theory of Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Prices Bolaños, Eduardo; Tobón, Alexander
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| · Estimation Biases, Size and Power of a Test on the Long Memory Parameter in ARFIMA Models Castaño, Elkin; Gallón, Santiago; Gómez, Karoll
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| · Discount Rate and Timber Rotation: the Case of Eucalyptus Saligna Restrepo, Camilo; Alviar, Mauricio
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| · Women, Fertility and Economics: Fifty Years of Research Del Río, Felipe; Alvis, Nelson; Yánez, Martha; Quejada, Raúl; Acevedo, Karina
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| · How Profitable is Higher Education in Colombia? Hernández, Gustavo
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| · Governance Problems Related to Economic Development in Medellín's Periphery Polanco, Jorge
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| · Optimal Strategy Design for Portfolio Selection: an Inverse Risk Weighting Analysis Puerta, Andrés; Laniado, Henry
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| · Pros and Cons of Teaching and Research in the History of Economic Thought Today Álvarez, Andrés; Hurtado, Jimena
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Revisão |
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| · Empleo, crecimiento y acumulación de capital Vélez, Luis Guillermo; Botero, Jesús Alonso
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