Editorial |
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Artigos |
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| · Wage Adjustment Practices and the Link between Price and Wages: Survey Evidence from Colombian Firms Iregui, Ana; Melo, Ligia; Ramírez, María
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| · First job experiences of Colombian college graduates: probability of formal employment and wages Barón, Juan
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| · Risk measurement under extreme events. An in-context methodological review Uribe, Jorge; Ulloa, Inés
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| · Volume and Skewness Analysis in the Major Latin American Stock Markets Kristjanpoller, Werner; Caballero, Víctor
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| · The convergence of Chilean regions, 1960-2009 Corvalán, Alejandro; Pezo, Danilo
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| · The impact of inter-firm networks on regional development: the case of Mendoza's wine cluster Alderete, Verónica; Bacic, Miguel
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| · Strategic choice of forward contracts and managerial incentive contracts in a context of Cournot competition Miranda, Sandra; Poveda Bernal, Ximena; Jácome, Flavio
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| · On the Existence of a Unit Root in the Time Series of Monthly Electricity Prices in Colombia Castaño, Elkin; Sierra, Jorge
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| · Monetary analysis: The question of the nature and the role of money Stellian, Rémi
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