| Sumário Lect. Econ. no.80 Medellín jan./jun. 2014 Artigos | | | | · Price and quantity indexes of the Colombian foreign trade Garavito, Aarón; López, David; Montes, Enrique
| | | | · Tariff Policy Assessment: An application to the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and U.S. Hernández, Gustavo
| | | | · A skew test on financial returns in the Colombian market Valencia, Marisol; Bedoya, Alejandro
| | | | · The mining industry in Mexico: Performance patterns and determinants of efficiency Gaytán, Edgar; Benita, Francisco
| | | | · The Relative Importance of the Service Sector in the Mexican Economy: A Time Series Analysis Castillo, Ramón; Flores, Carlos; Rodríguez, María
| | | | · Air Pollution and the Willingness to Pay of Exposed Individuals in Downtown Medellín, Colombia Gaviria, Carlos; Martínez, Daniel
| | | | · The health care sector in the Colombian cities of Barranquilla and Cartagena Orozco, Antonio
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