| Sumário Lect. Econ. no.93 Medellín jul./dez. 2020 Artigos | | | | · Installed capacity of photovoltaic solar energy in Colombia: An analysis of economic incentives Castaño-Gómez, Manuela; García-Rendón, John Jairo
| | | | · Nonlinear optimization method for quantifying the contribution of electricity in the Colombian economic growth,1925-1997 Manrique-Díaz, Oscar Gonzalo; Lemus-Polanía, Diego Fernando
| | | | · Public Policy Evaluation and Applied General Equilibrium Hernández-Díaz, Gustavo Adolfo
| | | | · Academic presenteeism and violence against women in schools of business and engineering in Peruvian universities Chafloque-Céspedes, Raquel; Vara-Horna, Arístides; Asencios-Gonzales, Zaida; López-Odar, Dennis; Alvarez-Risco, Aldo; Quipuzco-Chicata, Liliana; Schulze, Christin; Sánchez-Villagomez, Marté
| | | | · Stakeholders and the consumption tax of sugar-sweetened beverages in Colombia Díaz-García, Juliana; Valencia-Agudelo, Germán; Carmona-Garcés, Isabel Cristina; González-Zapata, Laura Inés
| | | | · Job stress in the labor market: an application of the fuzzy set measurement method for the Colombian case Astorquiza-Bustos, Bilver Adrian; Castillo-Caicedo, Maribel; Gómez-Mejía, Alina
| | | | · The economic cost of natural disasters: the case of the tsunami and nuclear emergency in Japan in 2011 Barrientos-Marín, Jorge; Ospina-Valencia, Sebastián; Giraldo-Flórez, Sebastián
| | | | · Global financial crisis and its effects on the bank lending channel in the Colombian economy Rodríguez-González, David; Ulloa-Villegas, Inés María
| | | | · Sectoral Price and Quantity Indexes of Argentine Foreign Trade Fares, Florencia Melisa; Zack, Guido; Martínez, Ricardo Gabriel
| | | Revisão | | | | · Cuarenta años de activismo empresarial antioqueño en los procesos de paz en Colombia (1980-2020) ValenciaAgudelo, Germán Darío
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