Artigos |
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| · Extracting Low-Cost Signals of Perceived Quality Control in Community Pharmacies: A Simulated Client Study of Contraceptive Dispensing in Bogotá Andia, Tatiana; Mantilla, César; Morales, Álvaro; Ortiz, Santiago; Rodríguez-Lesmes, Paul
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| · The Inactive Population in Colombia and its Regional Characteristics. An Analysis from Micro Factorial Decomposition Models Castro Puello, Jorge Alberto; Ariza Estévez, José Guillermo; Ardila Delgado, Armando
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| · The Effect of “Asignación Universal Por Hijo” in the Reduction of Regional Disparities in Argentina Rossignolo, Darío
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| · Determinants of Online Repurchase Intention in Covid-19 Times: Evidence From an Emerging Economy Alvarez-Risco, Aldo; Quipuzco-Chicata, Liliana; Escudero-Cipriani, Carlos
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| · Econometric model for the analysis of the transportation mode choice in domestic trips: the role of latent variables Muñoz, Claudia; Pineda Uribe, Beatriz Elena; Rosa Gómez, Margarita
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| · World Heritage Sites as Determinants of International Tourism Demand in Latin America and the Caribbean Leonardi, Viviana; Elías, Silvina; Tortul, Marina
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| · Dynamic Stock Dependence and Monetary Variables in the United States (2000- 2016): A Copula and Neural Network Approach Sosa, Miriam; Bucio, Christian; Calisto, Edgar Ortiz
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| · Finance and Growth in Mexico: Who Contributes the Most: the Banks or the Stock Market? Méndez-Heras, Lizethe; Venegas-Martínez, Francisco; Solís-Rosales, Ricardo
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| · Determinants of the Primary Supply of Cattle for Fattening in the Department of Córdoba, Colombia Castillo Núñez, Omar Enrique
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| · Stackelberg-Nash Equilibrium and Perfect Competition in the Solow-Uzawa Growth Model Zhang, Wei-Bin
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La integración de las teorías de la demanda agregada y del circuito monetario en la perspectiva pos-keynesiana de Sergio Cesaratto Gutiérrez Naranjo, Federico
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