| Table of contents Rev.Colomb.Quim. vol.51 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Apr. 2022 Research Originals articles | | | | · Extraction and analysis of apoplastic phenolic metabolites in carnation roots and stems (Dianthus caryo-phyllus L) Martínez-González, Ana Patricia; Coy-Barrera, Ericsson; Ardila, Harold Duban
| | | | · In silico modeling of Pseudomonas fluoresceins organomercurial lyase (MerB) D-Kerynd, Barona; Duverney, Gaviria
| | | | · The state of the art of marine natural products in Colombia Bautista, Claudia Andrea; Puentes, Carlos Andrés; Vargas-Peláez, Claudia Marcela; Santos-Acevedo, Marisol; Ramos, Freddy A.; Gómez-León, Javier; Castellanos, Leonardo
| | | | · Evaluation of the performance of a microbial fuel cell with modified graphite electrode for the treatment of wastewater from coffee processing Cárdenas, D.; Villegas, J. R.; Solís, C.; Sanabria-Chinchilla, J.; Uribe, L.; Fuentes-Schweizer, P.
| | | | · Theoretical study of the CO Oxidation with O2 using Au-Pd and Au-Pt catalysts Forero, Andrés; Joya, Sergio; Chacón, Kevin; Bernal, Andrés; Gomez, Badhin; Sánchez-Velandia, Julián E.; Mejía, Sol M.
| | | | · Syntheses and magnetic properties of substituted bis-indacenyl bi-metallic complexes & application Sateesha, K.M.; Pasha, Mussuvir; Patil, Mallikarjuna; Siruguri, Vasudeva; Reddy, V. Raghavendra; Amshumali, M.K.; Raghu, Anjanapura V.
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