Essays |
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| · Historia, memoria y formación: violencia sociopolítica y conflicto armado Cecilia Herrera, Martha; Rodríguez Ávila, Sandra Patricia
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Experienses |
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| · Educational environments and fear territories amid armed conflict: study about schools in putumayo Lizarralde jaramillo, Mauricio
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| · Transmission of past presents the experience of the Commission on Education of H.I.J.O.S. Regional Cordoba, Argentina Mendoza Romero, Nydia Constanza
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| · Re-signifying memoirs: Armed conflict in Colombian immigrants' narrative living in Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area Hernández, Claudia Milena
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| · Barrancabermeja: following the memory footsteps of the Popular Female Organization Alfonso Gil, María Carolina
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| · Memories of political violence and ethicalpolitical education of Colombian youth and teachers Ortega Valencia, Piedad; Herrera, Martha Cecilia
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| · An aestheticization of memory. Political training and spaces Olaya Gualteros, Vladimir; Iasnaia Simbaqueba, Mariana
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| · A visibility of victims, institutions and political struggles on behalf of memoir as analysis categories Martínez Mora, Nathalia; Silva Briceño, Orlando
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| · Epistemology and pedagogy patterns of the first violence by teaching Social Science: Between official history and other memoirs Aponte Otálvaro, Jorge Enrique
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| · Training teachers for present - A memory and learning of a recent history Rodríguez Ávila, Sandra Patricia
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Research |
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| · Violence crisis of global capitalism and youth García Sánchez, Bárbara Yadira; Guerrero Barón, Javier
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| · Education policies for teaching Colombian history (1948-1990): From curricula for subjects to Social Sciences involvement Acevedo Tarazona, Álvaro; Samacá Alonso, Gabriel
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| · Pedagogies of the recent Colombian history memoirs: to build memory in an impossible memory field? Vélez Villafañe, Gerardo
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| · An account of missing in Colombia - Education, reading and memoir García Vera, Nylza Offir
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| · School, memoirs and conflict in Colombia. A brief approach of the state of the art Jiménez Becerra, Absalón; Infante Acevedo, Raúl; Cortés, Ruth Amanda
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Reviewes |
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| · Marta Ocampo de Vásquez
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Controversies |
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| · La Unión Patriótica. Expedientes contra el olvidoRoberto Romero Ospina (2011). Unión Patriótica: expedientes contra el olvido. Bogotá, Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá. Centro de Memoria Paz y Reconciliación, 2011 Merchán Díaz, Jeritza
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