General articles |
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| · Parental Involvement During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perceptions and Beliefs of Parents in Portugal Almeida, Ana Patrícia; Pacheco, Patrícia
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| · Assessments on Climate Change in Colombian University Students Cruz, Norella; Páramo, Pablo
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| · Serious Games to Enhance Education. Play, Technology and Archaeology in a Spanish museum Merchán, María José; Merchán, Pilar; Pérez, Emiliano
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| · Recorded Class in Teacher Professional Performance Evaluation: Satisfaction, Performance and Unforeseen Events Sepúlveda-Obreque, Alejandro; Münzenmayer, Andrea Minte; Peña-Troncoso, Sebastián; Hernández-Mosqueira, Claudio
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| · The Inclusion of Indigenous Students and their School Results: Teacher Perception Meléndez-Grijalva, Perla; Carrera-Hernández, Celia; Madrigal-Luna, Josefina; Lara, Yolanda Isaura
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| · Transformative Initiatives in Vulnerable Schools: Notes for the New Public Management Fardella, Carla; Baleriola, Enrique; Valdés, René; Jiménez, Felipe
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| · Financial Education in the Young Population: A Revision and Bibliometric Analysis Díaz-Restrepo, Carlos Andrés; Hoyos, Oscar; Arismendy-Quintero, Daniel Esteban; Duque, Pedro
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| · Evaluation of Controversial Topics. The Chilean Case of the Occupation of Araucanía Llancavil Llancavil, Daniel; Montanares-Vargas, Elizabeth; González-Marilicán, Matías; Vásquez-Leyton, Gabriela
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| · Pedagogical Dimensions of a Potentially Generative Development in Chilean Rural Teachers Sandoval-Obando, Eduardo; Peña-Troncoso, Sebastián
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Dossier |
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| · Nonfiction Picture Book Mapping and sdgs for a Horizon 2030 Romero-Oliva, Manuel Francisco; Florido-Zarazaga, Blanca; Heredia-Ponce, Hugo
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| · Virtual Strategies of Reading Promotion in Non-fiction Books: A Nethnographic Study Sánchez-Fortún, José Manuel de Amo; Baldrich-Rodríguez, Kevin; Domínguez-Oller, Juana Celia
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| · Non-Fictional Readings for Training in Equality: Making Visible, Empowering and co-Educating Álvarez-Ramos, Eva; Mateos-Blanco, Belén; Fernández-Tijero, María del Carmen
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| · The Curious Reader between Papers and Screens. Nonfictional Readings of Fiction Illustrated Books Tabernero Sala, Rosa; Nogués Bruno, María Pilar
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| · Reading Practices of Non-Fictional Texts of Young People with Intellectual Disabilities González-Ramírez, Carolina; Azagra, Marcela Jarpa; Catalán-Henríquez, Sandra Loreto; Vega-Córdova, Vanessa del Pilar
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| · Comparative Children’s Reading Responses to Narrative and non-Narrative Nonfiction Books Muela-Bermejo, Diana; Laborda-Casamián, Pilar
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| · Graphic Literary Biographies as non-Fiction Books. Poetry and Historical Memory in Panels Rovira-Collado, José; Miras, Sebastián; Martínez-Carratalá, Francisco Antonio; Baile-López, Eduard
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| · Analysis of Editorial Websites in Biographies of Women for Children and Young People Senís, Juan; Pena Presas, Montserrat; Moral Barrigüete, Cristina del
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| · Illustrated non-Fiction Books, Alternative to the Textbook: Desire or Reality? Trigo-Ibáñez, Ester; Sánchez-Arjona, Eva; Saiz-Pantoja, Roberto
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