| Table of contents Biomed. vol.43 no.3 Bogotá July/Sept. 2023 Editorial | | | | · Retos de la inteligencia artificial y sus posibles soluciones desde la perspectiva de un editorialista humano López, Diego M.
| | | Case report | | | | · Histological artifacts associated with laser and electroscalpel gingivectomy: Case series Orozco, Jennifer; Rico, David; Barrios, Lía; Hoyos, Vivi; Blanco, Pilar
| | | Bacteremia by non-O1/non-O139 Vibrio cholerae: Case description and literature review Rodríguez, José Y.; Duarte, Carolina; Rodríguez, Gerson J.; Montaño, Lucy Angeline; Benítez-Peñuela, Miguel A.; Díaz, Paula; López, Olga; Álvarez-Moreno, Carlos A.
| | | Original article | | | | · Chlamydia psittaci seropositivity in workers exposed to birds and review of the literature: Evidence of circulation in Antioquia Ossa-Giraldo, Ana Claudia; Úsuga-Perilla, Xiomara; Correa, Jhon Sebastián; Segura, Juan A.
| | | | · X-ray radiation dose and associated factors in neonates from the newborn unit of Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogotá, Colombia Ramírez, Diana; Ramos, Víctor; Navarro, Sandra; Montealegre, Adriana; Arciniegas, Julia
| | | | · Molecular characterization of the Plasmodium falciparum k13 gene helix domain in samples from native communities of Condorcanqui, Amazonas, Perú Sandoval-Bances, Julio; Saavedra-Samillán, Milagros; Huyhua-Gutiérrez, Sonia; Rojas, Luis M.; Tejada-Muñoz, Sonia; Tapia-Limonchi, Rafael; Chenet, Stella M.
| | | | · Factors associated with unsuccessful treatment outcome for tuberculosis in previously treated patients in Cali, Colombia, during the period 2015-2019 Varela, Liddy; Ortiz, Jimena; García, Pamela K.; Luna, Lucy; Fuertes-Bucheli, José F.; Pacheco, Robinson
| | | | · Characterization of extended spectrum β-lactamases in Colombian clinical isolates of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica between 1997 and 2022 Rodríguez, Edna Caterin; Saavedra, Sandra Yamile; Montaño, Lucy Angeline; Sossa, Diana Patricia; Correa, Francia Patricia; Vaca, Jireh Alejandra; Duarte, Carolina
| | | | · Sociodemographic determinants and mortality of premature newborns in a medium and low-income population in Colombia, 2017-2019 Torres-Muñoz, Javier; Cedeño, Daniel Alberto; Murillo, Jennifer; Torres-Figueroa, Sofía; Torres-Figueroa, Julián
| | | | · Complete pathological response in patients with HER2 positive breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant therapy in Colombia Rodríguez, Mauricio; González, Diego M.; El-Sharkawy, Farah; Castaño, Mileny; Madrid, Jorge
| | | | · Multiple sclerosis functional tests and their comparability with self-administered values: A pilot study Arenas-Vargas, Laura Estefanía; López-Reyes, Lorena; Cárdenas-Robledo, Simón
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