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Biomed. vol.44 no.3 Bogotá jul./set. 2024

 ·  La interconexión de la investigación médica y la social
de la Hoz-Restrepo, Fernando Pío

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 ·  Factores determinantes sociales de la salud: la investigación que necesitamos.
Álvarez-Dardet, Carlos; Pérez-Wilson, Patricia; Marcos-Marcos, Jorge

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 Apresentacao do casos
 ·  Identification of HIV infection in two solid organ recipients three years after transplantation
Mopán, Nancy Carolina; Plazas, Diana Carolina; Salinas, María Angélica; Arias-Murillo, Yazmín Rocío; Cortés, Jorge Alberto

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 ·  Education in the National Transplant Law as an ethical pathway for the construction of the health care value in Colombia
Hoyos, Juan Bernardo

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 Artigo original
 ·  Correlation between disease severity indices and quality of life measurement tools in atopic dermatitis patients
Sanclemente, Gloria; Hernández, Natalia; Tamayo, Liliana; Chaparro, Daniela; López, Ángela

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 ·  Fungal coinfection/superinfection in COVID-19 patients in a tertiary hospital in Mexico
García-Salazar, Eduardo; Benavidez-López, Sandra; Bonifaz, Alexandro; Hernández-Mendoza, Emma Alejandra; Ramírez-Magaña, Xóchitl; Reyes-Montes, María del Rocío; Duarte-Escalante, Esperanza; Acosta-Altamirano, Gustavo; Frías-De-León, María Guadalupe

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 ·  HCoV-NL63 and HCoV-HKU1 seroprevalence and its relationship with the clinical features of COVID-19 patients from Villavicencio, Colombia
Lesmes-Rodríguez, Lida Carolina; Pedraza-Castillo, Luz Natalia; Jaramillo-Hernández, Dumar Alexander

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 ·  Association of birth and periodontal disease in Bolivia, Chile and Colombia
Herrera-Serna, Brenda Yuliana; López-Soto, Olga Patricia; Rendón-Blandón, Diego León; Alfonso-Galeano, Estefanía; Salgado-Yepes, Laura Vanessa; Chacón, Tatiana

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 ·  Relationship between video game addiction and bladder/bowel dysfunction in children
Tiryaki, Öznur; Menekşe, Dilek; Çinar, Nursan

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 ·  The effect of maternal concerns about childbirth and postpartum period on obsessive and compulsive behaviors related to baby care
Menekşe, Dilek; Karakaya Suzan, Özge; Çinar, Nursan

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 ·  Environmental injustice in the air quality for digital platform delivery workers in Bogotá, Colombia, 2021
Agudelo-Londoño, Sandra Milena; Blanco-Becerra, Luis Camilo; Hernández, Mabel Rocío; Suárez-Morales, Zuly Bibiana; Mantilla-León, Laura Clemencia; Solís, Nathalia

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 ·  Treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: A comparative analysis of programmatic outcome indicators between Buenaventura and other municipalities of Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Hoyos, Diana; Meza, Rossi; Forero, Liliana; Moreira, César; Ferro, Beatriz E.; Pacheco, Robinson

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 ·  First identification of Angiostrongylus spp. in Lissachatina fulica and Cornu aspersum in Antioquia, Colombia
Gamarra-Rueda, Ramón; García, Ricardo; Restrepo-Rodas, Diana C.; Pérez-García, Janeth

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