| Table of contents Prax. filos. no.59 Cali July/Dec. 2024 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Note Gagin, François
| | | Research article | | | | · From Theoretical Reason to Practical Reason. Schema, Analogy, and Typical in Kant’s Critical Philosophy Montoya Duque, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Art as Play: Space, Movement, and Medium. Hermeneutic Tools for the Reconsideration of the Ontology of the Work of Art Moreno Caro, Omar Camilo
| | | | · The Navel of Subjectivity. Considerations from Freud to the Dogma of Transparency Botero Bernal, Andrés; Aguirre, Javier Orlando; Almeyda Sarmiento, Juan David
| | | | · Theater and the general taste in the Letter to D'Alembert Domecq, Gabriela
| | | | · The Concept of Constitutive Outside in Derrida, Staten, Laclau, Mouffe, Butler, and Hall. Notes to Analyze Identities Orozco Gómez, William
| | | Reviews | | | | · Despret, V. (2022). Autobiografía de un pulpo y otros relatos de anticipación (M. Alpuente Civera, Trad.). Consonni. González, Henar Lanza
| | | El teatro platónico del pensamiento Cany, Bruno
| | | La filosofía como estética de la alegría Poulain, Jacques
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