Prologue |
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Thematic |
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| · Communication For Social Change: A Key For Participatory Development GUMUCIO-DRAGON, ALFONSO
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| · A comunicação como espetáculo e dispositivo epistemológico D'ALESSIO FERRARA, LUCRÉCIA
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| · Jornalismo alternativo: um potencial para a radicalização da democracia DE OLIVEIRA, DENNIS
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| · Rádio Comunitária como estratégia de comunicação da Extensão Pesqueira para o Desenvolvimento Local GURGEL, WASHINGTON
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| · Development, Nature and Dominant Discourses: the Press in the context of Recent Changes in Industrial Agriculture (Argentina) HENDEL, VERÓNICA
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| · Youth And Communication Reflections on Communicative Practices of Resistance in Medellin's Hip Hop Culture GARCÉS MONTOYA, ÁNGELA
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| · Tensions between crises and renewals Significant communication experiences for social change from the university milieu as a contribution to shaping emerging situations FRANCO CHÁVEZ, FANNY PATRICIA
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| · Culture and post-development: Communication approaches, paths, and challenges for new possible worlds BRUNO, DANIELA PAOLA; GUERRINI, LUCÍA
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Interview |
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| · A glance to the roots of communication for development, A conversation with Luis Ramiro Beltrán Salmón FRANCO CHÁVEZ, FANNY PATRICIA; LÓPEZ ROJAS, ANA MARÍA
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Documents of Investigation |
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| · Reflections on the presence of political and discursive dimensions when analyzing experiences in alternative communication RAMOS, PABLO DANIEL; HAMADA, JUAN PABLO
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| · A Critical Analysis of the Prospects for Dialogue in the Lierature on Communication for Development and Social Change: Approaches and Challenges ÁNGEL BOTERO, ADRIANA; OBREGÓN, RAFAEL
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| · The absent Rurbano Media visibility and invisibility CIMADEVILLA, GUSTAVO; DEMARCHI, PAOLA; GALIMBERTI, SILVINA
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| · Current challenges in Communication for Social Change Educational requirements for professionals in Communication MUÑOZ-NAVARRO, ANTONIETA; DEL VALLE ROJAS, CARLOS
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| · The Figuration of a New Front Coast for Posadas, Misiones MILLÁN, MARÍA DEL ROSARIO
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| · Media interactive processes of Sutatenza radio with Colombian peasants (1947-1989) VACA GUTIÉRREZ, HERNANDO
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| · An experience in digital curatorship and an example in the creative use of CIT's: Building the memory of the 'Minuto de Dios' neighborhood GUTIÉRREZ, FERNANDO
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| · Metaphors of War in the Socio-Cultural Construction of the Textile/ Garment, Design, and Fashion Cluster in Antioquia VALLE FLÓRES, MÓNICA MARÍA
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Points of view |
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| · Itinerary of a "mixed-blood" intellectual (or) In search of Latin America's identity MARQUES DE MELO, JOSÉ
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| · A "Minga" for post-development ESCOBAR, ARTURO
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Reviews |
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| · La crisis silenciosa, el futuro de la democracia y el cultivo de la humanidad Cabra-Torres, Fabiola
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| · Sobre Desarrollo y postdesarrollo: Modelos y alternativas Javier Tobar, Bernardo
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| · Crecimiento y desarrollo económico en la historia de Colombia Villadiego Prins, Mirla
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