To our readers |
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| · Introduction Velasquez, Alcides
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Thematic |
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| · The sage leaves in another house. Analysis of the translation of the Colombian Constitution to an indigenous language Sarrazin Ζ, Jean Paul
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| · Communicative Citizenship and Peacebuilding: Peace Agenda from Nariño Martínez Roa, Ómar Gerardo; Burgos Hernández, Pedro Nel
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| · Persuasion and Affect in the Framing of Poverty: An Experiment on Goal Framing Abril, Eulália P; Binder, Andrew R; Nan, Xiaoli; Nevar, Pamela M; Rojas, Hernando
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| · After the expansion of home internet: adolescents from popular sectors and cibers in the City of Buenos Aires Linne, Joaquín
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| · "Apparently You": Position and Commitment in Two Venezuelan Journals of Management Briceño Velazco, Yosely
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| · Intercultural communicative competence in SFL immersion courses, an experience with Australian students in Colombia Mejía, Glenda; Agray-Vargas, Nancy
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Reviews |
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| · The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information EmpiresTim Wu Arizmendi, José V
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| · Convergencia y transmedialidad. La ficción después de la TDT en Europa e Iberoamérica Heredia Ruiz, Verónica
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| · Educación y comunicación. Del capitalismo informacional al capitalismo cultural Villadiego Prins, Mirla
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